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The Last Dance Reviews

  • Jovanny 2022-11-11 00:52:30

    After watching episodes 7-8

    After watching episodes 7-8, I actually didn't think much, but the emotional impact on the audience was very strong.

    Especially the father-son relationship. I also forgot where I saw it. The relationship between parents and sons in Western dramas or so-called traditional myths is often defined...

  • Alex 2022-11-09 10:45:25

    The seventh crown that was not attempted

    When the last dance was launched last year, a bunch of NBA stars on Twitter were chasing goat. At that time, the first reaction was that Jordan had retired for so long, why did a documentary come out to fry the cold rice. Later, after understanding the background, I realized that this was not cold...

  • Fanny 2022-11-08 09:35:45

    God of basketball.

    The greatest basketball player of all time, six Finals, six championships, six Finals MVPs. He scored forty points on the defending champion Celtics in his first playoff appearance. Although he was swept 3-0, he was respected by his opponents and was described by Larry Bird as "that's God in...

  • Frieda 2022-11-07 03:54:46


    I stayed up late to finish watching the last dance.

    To be fair, Jordan is a brand of basketball shoes to me. I don't have Jordan in my life - when Jordan entered the NBA in 1984, my parents and my mother didn't know each other, let alone me, Bulls 91 I finally had me when I started winning the...

  • Ransom 2022-11-07 03:34:45

    Highest respect for this great man

    Every episode moved me to the point where I couldn't stop crying, but he didn't just move me, he inspired me. I didn't understand before why Kobe said that one of the most important things in his life is to inspire others. I've understood a lot since I saw his relationship with Jordan here. Jordan...

  • Briana 2022-11-06 21:22:23

    A short essay with the best interpretation of Jordan's historical position

    If the achievements in the NBA are compared to a journey, the new generation represented by Curry is surpassing obstacles and advancing courageously on this road. Perhaps one day, through their continuous efforts, they will be able to see the big o see the logo or the big Dream, however, whether it...

  • Kaia 2022-11-05 08:29:47

    Faster than 600 minutes is not as high quality as a collection!

    The purpose of filming ten episodes is to flatter you, things that can be solved within 90 minutes, and other things that are commonplace, often mixed with the NBA section, whether it is Hupu's live broadcast bar or NetEase NBA section, they all know this, Chen Chunzhi's casual An article in the...

  • Vilma 2022-11-03 00:38:23

    See yourself from the basketball god

    The god of basketball in "The Last Dance" is also an ordinary person. Although he has become a role model for people, he doesn't want to do this. In the face of the Atlantic City incident and the gambling incident, he asked his father to face the media. The media's high attention is Holding is also...

  • Shyanne 2022-10-29 22:22:06

    As a non-basketball fan, I wrote the aftermath from the perspective of watching a documentary.

    To declare in advance, the comments are based on the description of the Chicago Bulls, players and coaches in the documentary. I am not a basketball fan, so I am purely evaluating from the perspective of watching a documentary.

    The Last Dance referenced in this documentary seems to come from the...