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The Karate Kid Reviews

  • Lorenz 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    "Kung Fu Dream" Jackie Chan teaches you what is real Chinese Kung Fu

    "Kung Fu Dream" Teacher Jackie Chan will release a new movie "Kung Fu Dream 2" in 2019. The official announcement is that the original version will gather together to reproduce the essence of Chinese Kung Fu. Released in 2010, "Kung Fu Dream" once won the top box office and also set off a wave of...

  • Kole 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    The Karate Kid

    The story is about Derui who came to China with his mother, but because he came from a foreign land and was too close to Meiying, he was bullied by Cheng. Since then, it has left a psychological shadow on Derui. He is eager to practice Chinese Kung Fu and defeat Cheng. Fortunately, he met Lao Han...

  • Josue 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    Kung Fu Dream????? Daydream????

    Since the protagonist arrived in China, he has been bullied by children of his age. In China, if a child is able to speak fluent English to foreigners in elementary school, it means that his family conditions should be okay, then the children in such a family will gang up on a foreign child of the...

  • Hadley 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    Jackie Chan's latest masterpiece "Kung Fu Dream" --- disappointing

    Watching Jackie Chan's blockbuster with hope, but it turned out that I couldn't keep my spirits up, half awake, confused...    It's not that Jackie Chan's acting is bad, nor that the little protagonist can't act well, the main reason is that the script is too poorly written, I don't know if it's...

  • Braeden 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    An industrial product that strives to please Americans in order to earn American attention and money

    China (especially Beijing) scenery propaganda film suitable for children to watch and play, the Wudang Mountain and the Great Wall in the film are indeed beautiful.      To put it bluntly, the theme is inspirational. Wherever you fall, you must get up. Jackie Chan's explanation of the martial arts...

  • Shaun 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    Best plumber ever

    A small foreigner traveled thousands of miles to China, but was inexplicably beaten by a group of sports school students closely united around Yu Rongguang. A not-so-cute rich second-generation little loli, who gave her first kiss to Xiaowai before puberty. A youth martial arts championship is as...

  • Providenci 2022-04-19 09:01:48

    unintelligible place

    Can't figure out how many plots show Chinese violence, but Jackie Chan can accept the indifference? Chinese people are friendly to foreign guests and don't like to look for trouble. Unless the other party is too arrogant, they will not fight. Chinese martial arts instructors do not instigate...

  • Geoffrey 2022-04-19 09:01:48

    The film will provoke another scolding war

    As soon as this film is released, it will definitely provoke a scolding war. If it was the same as "Ip Man" some time ago, the two groups of people who have opposite viewing experience will definitely gather again, and the situation will rise again. Group A: With a detached mind, they believe that...

  • Moises 2022-04-19 09:01:48

    "Kung Fu Dream": The future of Chinese Kung Fu movies is just a dream

                                  Jackie Chan is indeed getting old, and now he is definitely Jackie Chan. Looking at the loose fat on his neck, you can't help but sigh that years have turned that young man with a big nose into an old man with a big butt. To be honest, I'm not interested in this type...

  • Isobel 2022-04-19 09:01:48

    The plot is strange, it's funny for children

    The plot is rather slow and the ending is even more hilarious.   First of all, all the Chinese are cheering for the Americans. The Americans who beat the Chinese and the Chinese audience are so excited! Let's not talk about where the national integrity is, even if you sympathize with the weak, the...