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The Island Reviews

  • Nikolas 2022-11-12 08:47:48

    Old and historic Valamu monastic community

    It is an ancient and historic Valamu monastic community on an island on Lake Ladoga on the border between Finland and Russia. The film's priest, who had the privilege of joining the group in the last century, became its leader during World War II, when Varam was still outside the borders of the...

  • Garett 2022-09-22 04:16:04

    Fluke and Salvation on the Lonely Island

    Text / Feng Linxian "Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives. Whoever seeks, finds. Whoever knocks, it will be given to him. Open the door."                                                - Matthew, 7:7-8 Was...o

  • Marc 2022-09-15 22:45:31

    everything is done

    It's so addicting, Russian movies still have human origins, but it's best to focus on the religious foundation, otherwise it will affect the score. The story is very deep, is it all God's will? Since he shot the captain with a gun, the coal boat exploded and took him to the island, where he was...

  • Alyson 2022-09-15 18:02:11

    Soul Survivor: "Lonely Island" - Author: Wang Yi

    In the 1970s, an exiled Soviet intellectual told an American pastor that the Soviet intellectual community was experiencing an Orthodox spiritual revival. Almost every prominent artist, writer, and musician is digging into spiritual themes. How is this possible, in Moscow it is difficult to read...

  • Colton 2022-09-15 15:38:48

    History is just an illusion

    A priest has been silent on the island for nearly 40 years, regretting all day long, and explaining people's doubts.

    This is the story told by Russian director Pavel Longkin's "Island of Lonely" (also translated "Island of the Saints" in 2006). In 1942, a base of the Northern Fleet was occupied by...

  • Kacey 2022-09-15 11:29:41

    A Sinner's Amazing Grace

    When the cold wind on the isolated island blows the dry moss on the stubborn stone, the priest will not know that the kind deeds he has done to atone for sin will only aggravate the evil in people's hearts.

    At the beginning of the film, when I saw a person lying in the snow, I felt nothing...

  • Margarete 2022-09-15 09:55:49

    Become a Buddha on the spot

    Religions in the world are really similar. The saint in the film solves difficult problems for others in the name of God. When I look at it, I can't help but think of some Zen cases.    Women who want to have an abortion are always worried that they will not be wanted after giving birth to a child....