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The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete Reviews

  • Bobby 2022-10-14 21:52:34

    2021.01.19; I and I will lose

    "You have to be prepared to run away desperately at any time."

    In fact, winter is not suitable for watching this type of film that focuses on the lives of marginalized people, otherwise, the more you watch it, the colder you will feel. Even if the season of the film itself is framed in hot summer,...

  • Christiana 2022-10-14 18:41:46

    The bottom man's dream

    People at the bottom of society also have dreams. How to describe their dreams in movies without being hypocritical, and how to describe their suffering without being provocative. This requires technical support.     Once more movies are written on such a theme, they will write the dreams of this...