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The Illusionist Reviews

  • Michaela 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Father's love is like magic. We are all Alice

    Everyone seems to hate Alice, but each of us is Alice. I don't think this movie is so good, but at least it can hit me for a moment. Magicians are like our fathers. Alice is actually just a child who loves to dream. We always ask our parents for this and that. Alice is at least more reserved than...

  • Alexa 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    You won't get tired of watching it many times

    The animation is still good in 2D, there is no Mary Sue plot, and there is no happy ending. I don't need to please the audience, I just want to tell a story.    During the long rainy season, the sky is always cloudy with smoke. Such a sad tone. Frustrated magicians are no longer young, unable to...

  • Carmel 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    There are no magicians in this world

    So sad. I saw the recommendation on Zhihu, and said that there are some movies that do not have dead people but make people feel lonely and desperate. So I saw this, a real and heartfelt movie. When a movie's plot and ideas are deep enough, you don't even need to mention its equally perfect picture...

  • Raphaelle 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Two lonely people, there is always one crueler

    In the comments below Tencent, some people say it is father's love, and some people accuse girls. Don't think they are Matilda and Leon's relationship? And the magician needs the girl as much as the girl needs him. He needed the girl's eyes that were so simple that she couldn't tell the difference...

  • Dylan 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    The Fallen History of a Country Girl

    I think I have a lot of feelings after watching this movie. First of all, I think this little girl is very scheming and vain. Otherwise, why would she run away with an old man because of a pair of shoes. At the same time, I also think she is very selfish, If your desires are not worthy of your...

  • D'angelo 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    no lines

    There are not many lines in the whole film, I like it very much.

    Coupled with such a style of painting and such a brief story, people can associate a lot with it, and maybe the director wants to express a lot. , walking steadily and steadily towards you, but this does not prevent us from thinking,

  • Dayana 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    There are no magicians in this world!

    "There is no magician in this world" I am a magician with a lot of experience. When I first met you, you were still an ignorant little girl. You think I really know magic. Everything can be changed, but the only What can't change is that we won't be together forever, but we've come together...

  • Harmon 2022-04-21 09:02:58

    different perspectives

    My own denial of fantasy and fairy tales has led me to have a different understanding of this film~~~ I always think that this is a material and ignorant girl. . . The innocence at the beginning slowly turned into an unrestricted desire for material things. . . And what about the magician? Maybe it...

  • Hermann 2022-04-21 09:02:58

    Life is a hard-pressed embarrassment magic

    This was an embarrassing journey, and Sylvia Jomai silently told us a family story again. The last time was grandparents, this time it was "father and daughter". This is also a small episode in the life of our Mr. Magician, who crossed the English Channel to Britain and made a living by performing...

  • Roslyn 2022-04-21 09:02:58

    Would you rather not have

    The little girl thought the old magician could conjure anything. In her eyes, he was so magical and mysterious, and asked her to pack up and follow him. How can the magician explain to this growing little girl that magic is actually fake. Think cruel. The little girl looked at the beautiful skirts,...