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The Ides of March Reviews

  • Bernadette 2022-03-14 14:12:22

    Politics is a big game of chess

    (Originally published on Tencent Entertainment, written for Tencent for the Venice Film Festival) "I am not a Christian, nor a Muslim; I do not ask God, nor follow Allah. My belief is very simple, and that is the U.S. Constitution." The chase light hit the stadium stage, baking Stephen Meyers'...

  • Fern 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    The ending is completely open ended

    I didn't see anyone mention it in the reviews so wanted to write this is my first time writing a review

    (Although the first movie review has a lot of words, combined with his arguments and scores, I don't think he understands the movie and doesn't understand why so many people agree with it)

  • Dayton 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Motivation problem

    Several larger plot bugs: 1. It is impossible for any political figure to have a dark side of himself. Even if it is not a female intern who slept, there must be other nasty things that are not seen by the sun but are well known by the aides. Therefore, no mature political team will...

  • Cory 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Bunch of great rotten apples

    "President Killing" is a work written, directed and acted by George Couroni, and was selected as the opening film of the 2011 Venice Film Festival. On the whole, this is not a work that is too amazing and shocking. Both the shooting method and the performance of the actors are relatively...

  • Aaliyah 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Gaze into the abyss of politics

    "I am not a Christian, nor an atheist; I am not a Jew, nor a Muslim... My faith is written on a piece of parchment-called the "Constitution." If I am not old enough, don't vote for me; if I am not enough High, don’t vote. I can’t help it.” (I am neither a Christian nor an atheist, I'm not Jewish...

  • Scot 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Political State of Mind

    Have you heard the rumors on the street? Master Qiao came out of the road again, and took the brothers to vote fiercely. In order to maintain the freshness of the movie, I resolutely rejected all news and spoilers from the moment the film was released. So when I saw Directed by George...

  • Emerson 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Men are the swordsmen of power and sex!

    The Ides of March, which won the second largest box office in the US film this week, is a film that exposes the darkness of human nature and politics. What impresses me most is not the darkness of the American campaign, the intrigue of politicians, and the political idealism of the male...

  • Ernestine 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Preparing for immigration to the U.S.

    For a girl who doesn't watch political films very much, I personally think that "President Killing Bureau" is still well shot. Although it was quite boring half an hour before the opening, everyone spoke so fast, and they were all professional language used in campaigns. Even the one who...

  • Deonte 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    There is always a war without gunsmoke in politics

    The black-scented political works, about the cruel growth of a politician and staff, show in a humble attitude the game of interests that wanders between the stalwart and the despicable.

    Even though the system is democratic, there are still intrigues. In addition to dreams and desires, power breeds...

  • Karl 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    Despicable is the pass of the despicable
