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The Humanity Bureau Reviews

  • Kristy 2022-10-05 12:21:23

    If you can't take a story, don't be rude

    220th film/film review of the year, Nicolas Cage's sci-fi "The Humanity Bureau" (US/2017). The film tells the story of a "survival screening" catastrophe caused by climate change and the destruction of human's own environment on the earth in 2030. It is said that this is a sci-fi film, but in my...

  • Laurine 2022-09-11 23:01:35

    Who is the Trump Wall built for? To surround refugees in the United States

    Well, this is not a sci-fi movie, it probably expands the concept of building a wall in Mexico after Trump takes office...Terror is easier to build than a wall, and why keep all the refugees in the country? No explanation...probably alluding to North Korea...       the background of the whole movie...

  • Trace 2022-09-11 23:01:17

    You don't need to think about seeing this plot in domestic theaters!

    We all probably know the complex! A scavenger works every day to persuade them to go to the Garden of Eden! If you don't want to go, force it! But he doesn't know exactly what the Garden of Eden looks like! One day he will send a child to the Garden of Eden! It feels so personal! But you can't send...

  • Chris 2022-09-11 22:30:30

    confusing story

    I have always had indelible feelings for Uncle Kai. From the moment he changed his face, I felt that he was super handsome. Unfortunately, after so many years, Uncle Kai was still unable to hand over the answer sheets that surpassed the classics of the year. Instead, he was reduced to the king of...

  • Nakia 2022-09-11 20:00:15

    Garden of Eden? ! (Film Critic, Human Office)

    The LORD God put the man (Adam) in the Garden of Eden to repair and keep it. Yahweh God commanded him, "You can eat whatever you want from every tree in the garden, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you must not eat it, because in the day you eat it you will surely die!"


  • Marvin 2022-09-11 15:00:56

    only empty shell

    2017, action sci-fi movie " The Humanity Bureau | The Humanity Bureau "