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The Illusionist Reviews

  • Carmelo 2022-01-10 08:01:39

    Remember, fatherly love is not the only theme!

    Many people will mention two words after reading it: fatherly love. And what I want to say is that fatherly love is not the only theme that the director wants to convey to the audience. If you are only limited to this, then you are equivalent to ignoring many, many important details in the film.... 

  • Eino 2022-01-10 08:01:39

    Sad hand drawn

    In rough words, "The Magician" can fade out a bird. Fortunately, there is a good way to light, and light only knows that the flowers are more colorful. The mountains and rivers all the way, the wind and rain are swaying, and I can see it with sincerity. At the end of the movie, there is no one in...

  • Percy 2022-01-10 08:01:39

    Noble sadness

    The worst thing in life is a sense of failure. However, with age, the sense of emptiness in life will increase. The array of nothingness, how terrible is Lu Xun's metaphor.   Poets and artists sublime this feeling into decadence and beauty.   Watching this cartoon, I was silent a little bit. As a...