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The Grand Budapest Hotel Reviews

  • Stella 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    The glimmer of idealism

    1. This is a very good story and a director who can tell stories; 2. A large number of horizontally centered compositions, almost every frame is a poster, wes has a Virgo complex; 3. It was drawn by a lobby boy Beard and the birthmark on his girlfriend’s face are not beautiful things, but they are...

  • Norwood 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    A pink old world dream

    I ordered "Want to Watch" for this film last fall. Not for the cast of HTC. Rather, I feel that a luxurious hotel on the verge of disappearance of the old world is always a stage for a good story. I would have thought that there was a complicated structure and uninteresting tribute and recourse....

  • Deshaun 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    Yesterday’s world can’t be reproduced. It’s okay to paint a dream with images and relive it.

    I often feel that Wes Anders has some similarities with Hayao Miyazaki. They have been tirelessly weaving fairy tales for adults, trying to prove that humanity has a promising future in this world squeezed by anxiety, pressure, interests, and power. They also like bright and magnificent colors, and...

  • Dylan 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    "The Grand Budapest Hotel": more than just formalism

    (Written by Zhi Ning on July 5, 2014)     Charlie Chaplin said: "Life is a tragedy at a close view, but a comedy at a distance." The film "The Grand Budapest Hotel (The Grand Budapest Hotel)" classified as a comedy, It seems to be a weird comedy on earth, but in fact it is full of a little bit of...

  • Carmel 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Tell two stories with one truth

    Let's talk about the lens language before the topic. What can I say about the use of the lens in this film? I just want to use "perfect" to describe how good this movie is. After watching it in the first time, it is impossible to be shocked and educated by director Wes Anderson's lens language. It...

  • Clarissa 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Use stories to retain the smoky life

    Anderson's movies are just interesting! It is obviously a serious and heavy theme, but it can always be presented in a ridiculous and humorous way. Colorful, wonderful music, unique narrative, accurate editing, and no coldness from beginning to end, this is the bright and shining appearance of the...

  • Immanuel 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    The Grand Budapest Hotel

    "In this barbaric slaughterhouse, there are still some light of civilization that was once called'humanity'. That's right, this is what we can provide, with a humble, humble, humble attitude..." This scene appeared. Twice, Mr. Gustaf said in the first time: "oh, fuck it." And the second time he...

  • Keshaun 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Stephen Zweig: the inspiration for "The Grand Budapest Hotel"

    The "Budapest Hotel", which won the jury award at the 64th Berlin Film Festival, is the latest work directed by American director Wes Anderson. In the credit list at the end of the film, Austrian writer Stephen Zweig ranked first, and it was his work that inspired the film's creative inspiration....

  • Flavio 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Demolition gentleman

    Allow me to translate "zero" into "Zeluo", and it always feels wrong to translate it into "零" (translated into "小零" is even more weird). Eric Hobsbaum said in "The Age of Extremes" that after the end of the First World War, all Europeans fell into extreme fear of war, and everyone desperately...

  • Kaia 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    All my love, from Z to A--the narrative rule under the six layers of time and space

    It was adapted from Zweig's video based on his point of view. The present is the demise of an era. Human civilization will eventually disappear. This new Weiss film that has kept me waiting for more than a year changes from 1:85 to 2.35:1 to 4:3. This surprising but reasonable screen ratio change...