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Stuart: A Life Backwards Reviews

  • Virgil 2022-09-22 04:11:31

    Even after suffering, it is true heroism that still desires goodness

    The rhythm of the movie, slow and boring, like Stewart's lisp, makes people almost unbearable and want to leave. But the whole movie deserves five stars.

    It is hard to imagine that there are so many ordinary people like demons, and it is even more difficult to imagine what it would be like when an...

  • Tristin 2022-09-19 08:45:49


    **The following is a description of the plot** ***In addition, I actually don't know what I wrote *** These days, when I am doing something and not doing anything, a picture will suddenly float in my mind A face, a figure, the man dragged his feet with strange steps, waved his hands awkwardly, and...

  • Trycia 2022-09-18 12:27:23

    Stuart's confession

    I watched the film with my two favorite British actors, and was moved to tears by Stuart's slow monologue while wearing a tie awkwardly: 【Sometimes I think I am the child of Devil. I let the Devil in. Now I can't get him out. I tried, burning him out, or cutting him out. He said "No no." Why should...

  • Augustine 2022-09-16 17:21:26

    There is no rewind in life, life is a game.

    Stuart suffered from muscular dystrophy as a child, was sent to a school for the disabled, was ridiculed and bullied by his classmates, suffered school violence, was bullied by his brother and his classmates at home, sexually assaulted, resisted for three years, his parents, family, and everyone...

  • Deshaun 2022-09-14 05:39:47

    Can a broken life be rewinded?

           This kind of British film seems to like to express heavy themes in seemingly light content and form, such as the "Third Star", such as this "Rewind Life".     The film uses calm lens language to tell a thought-provoking topic about human nature and life. There is no impetuousness here, some...

  • Sanford 2022-09-11 22:57:54

    Life is good or bad, that's how it happens

    One winter night more than ten years ago, I ran away from home and hid on a bench in a square for a long, long time, because ten minutes ago I saw my mother slash her then-husband with a knife, and one of them was killed. I was sent to the hospital, and one was sent to the police station....

  • Jason 2022-09-11 16:07:38

    Favorite movie of my life so far

    The first time I watched it was the second year of junior high school. After that, I would turn it over and watch it again if I didn’t know what to watch. It was the only movie I downloaded and saved on my phone.

    Because of muscle atrophy, walking bumps and bumps, mouth full of fuck, to the extent...

  • Malvina 2022-09-11 03:20:08

    Turn: Which wound is fatal (Su Qiqi)

    Which wound is fatal (Su Qiqi) TT: I told you about "Warrior" in my letter last month. Because I like Tom Hardy, I went to look through his movie list and saw a movie called "Stewart Down". Bring Life" movie. The title is weird, right? At first glance, it is very unpopular and very uncommercial,...

  • Lacey 2022-09-10 07:04:09

    A child who wants to escape the fog

    Stewart said he was sometimes attacked by the dark side of a Midnight Mist, where he would lose control and feel the devil inside him. "I just hope, if only once, to escape this craziest," he said.

    The kind and enthusiastic Stuart is willing to lend money to friends he has just met, and is willing...

  • Tess 2022-09-09 22:12:43

    Fake should be cold

    As a fan of BC's brain, I must first say: Kangbo's domineering Xian Sen is really lucky on the rice - otherwise, the year of the monkey will turn out this old film from 2007 in the computer inventory! Secondly, I have to say that Tom Hardy is really awesome, he is the teacher E of Inception, he is...