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Stuart: A Life Backwards Reviews

  • Myrna 2022-12-09 15:59:32

    rewind life

    This is a documentary, a true story. After reading it, there is a feeling of anger but powerlessness, and the mood is heavy. Sympathize with the complicated experience of the protagonist Stewart, be surprised by his good conversation, and admire his pursuit of freedom. "I used to let myself drink...

  • Kameron 2022-12-08 21:26:41

    title? Don't ask me to write a title when I can't think of it!

    When Stuart flattened the toast with fried pork slices and ketchup with his bare hands, I thought he was so cute and hopelessly cute. When watching the film, I have been trying to find a word to summarize the person Stuart, but I failed. He looks a little bit mentally retarded. I think if this film...

  • Christy 2022-12-06 10:05:27

    This is the biography of the homeless, and it is also the biography of all living beings. Any moment can change a person's life.

    It wasn't until about the last half hour of the film that I realized that this turned out to be such a sad story. It's creepy to think that this is a true story.

    The lighthearted dialogue between Stuart and Alexander, as well as the little cartoons interspersed in the film, "bewildered" me. Although...

  • Wilfred 2022-12-05 09:05:42


    In the film review: If this is an American film, it is very likely that the film will be ups and downs, Stuart may become a very charming villain, and various other characters will always unconsciously insinuate all kinds of decadent worship for him, And it runs through the whole story with a...

  • Angela 2022-12-05 08:04:19

    Violence burned me to ashes

    I like watching Stuart cook the most. He is very confident in his cooking skills. He will look funny. He sprinkles seasonings and squeezes tomato sauce without any dose. There is no guarantee that fresh soot will not fall into the frying pan. It seems to be completely dark food, but only then can...

  • Arden 2022-12-04 19:01:51

    There is strength in grief

    Attracted by the cover, retro, red words, and the big stuart in the middle, I watched this movie before going to bed last night.

    When you go to Baidu to search for this movie, Stewart finds the heroine of Twilight, Kristen Stewart, but the movie has nothing to do with her. Reminds me of Christine's...

  • Roel 2022-12-04 18:04:09

    Post-abuse rewind life and teach you how to meet interesting people to become famous and rich

    Originally, I thought that I had watched too many films that abused first as a respect, but I had already experienced a hundred battles and did not follow this routine. But it's obviously wrong, because I'm watching a film that is abusive behind the scenes. Moreover, this stamina is still secretly...

  • Alana 2022-12-01 20:09:17


    The strange position is that the narrative angle of this film is neither entirely from the biographer's point of view, nor from the stuart's point of view. The director focuses on the process of getting along between the two from the perspective of a third party, bringing out stuart's past...

  • Oma 2022-12-01 10:28:09

    Dust to dust and dust to dust

    I have collected the film for a long time and watched it silently in the afternoon on the weekend. There was an urge to cry. Stuart lived in a commoner family, if not even a commoner family. Because my mother remarried, if the remarriage is not good, all members of the family will say goodbye to...