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The Godfather Reviews

  • Tamara 2022-04-19 09:01:01

    What is the reality of the Italian mafia in The Godfather?

    To understand the Italian Mafia (La Màfia), we must first clarify a few concepts that may mislead us:

    First the word Màfia (Italian mafia)

    Early Màfia was the name of the northern Italians. Just like the ancient Romans called all people outside their borders "barbarians". And those who are really...

  • Ryley 2022-04-19 09:01:01

    What is the most impressive detail in the Godfather trilogy?

    There are two points that I feel the most impressive, one of which is the beginning Mike Kryon said to his girlfriend at his sister's wedding, my family is my family, but I am me.

    When the old godfather was shot six times and was hospitalized, it was Mike who used his wisdom to keep the old...

  • Kristin 2022-04-19 09:01:01

    What is the most impressive detail in the Godfather trilogy?

    In "The Godfather 2", Mike's wife decides to leave him. Mike originally thought that the change he promised was delayed and she wanted to leave. Mike, who was already tired of dealing with affairs, had been holding back his emotions, but when his wife told him to take the child, Mike's mood began...

  • Kyle 2022-04-19 09:01:01


    Greatest film or one of the greatest? Here's a question about The Godfather 1. After reading it, I understand what Man is, capital Man, a man who supports a family and even a family, his responsibilities and his redemption. The lines spit out from the godfather's mouth all have hidden secrets or...

  • Dwight 2022-04-19 09:01:01

    The difference between the two generations of godfathers is also the unsolved nostalgia under modernity

    Contains spoilers for the entire series, please note

    After reading the third part, I feel the difference between the two generations of godfathers. In addition to the differences in personal characters, as well as the differences in external times and situations, it is also an organization and a...

  • Alex 2022-04-19 09:01:01

    Feast of death, victory of fate

    I watched the old "Godfather 1" in three days. This is a very pure man's play. It summarizes the terms used exclusively for men: father and son, brothers, rivers and lakes, rights, struggle...       "Godfather" is here , beyond the sacred meaning of religion, and more of the meaning of rivers and...

  • Favian 2022-03-23 09:01:02

    Analysis of Baptism Fragments in "The Godfather"

    The entire clip mainly uses parallel editing montage. The clip begins, the location is in the church, and the camera is shooting the interior of the church from a distance. The center is facing the crowd preparing for the baptism ceremony in the church. At the same time, the church music and...

  • Marguerite 2022-03-23 09:01:02

    The most impressive detail in the Godfather's trilogy?


    At the beginning of the old godfather’s daughter’s wedding, when the old godfather was dealing with things, he always drank in small sips, and the cups he used were also “skilled” straight long cups—he had to keep his mind sober because he wanted to be right. All members of the family and...

  • Tyra 2022-03-23 09:01:02

    Which one of the classic quotes of the old godfather Vito Don Corleone in "The Godfather" do you like?

    I'm currently reading "The Godfather" and watched the movie "The Godfather" by the way. I really like the sentence in "The Godfather": Threat is the most stupid self-exposure, and releasing anger without thinking is the most dangerous wayward manifestation.

    Many people call this classic work the...

  • Ashley 2022-03-22 09:01:02

    Classic old movies

    The huge structure of the story, the many characters, and the many details outside the main line of the narrative make my mind confused. Then I watched it over and over many times and finally I understood that I admired the superb acting skills of Marlon Brando, Al Pacino and others, and admired...