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Miracle Reviews

  • Scot 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    When the ice skates cross the ice, the fog is splashed

    After watching "The Green Fight" last time, I couldn't bear to watch Miracle today, because this is a series of sports inspirational movies launched by Disney. There were also "baseball rookies" and "rush into battle" before, and I will watch them again when I have time.       After watching...

  • Trenton 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    About Ice hockey

    Miracle on Ice can be said to be a good movie made in one of the few ice hockey movies. But even more exciting than this is the annual NHL championship team's championship documentary. A documentary that you can be infected by the whole atmosphere without even subtitles, a documentary that makes...

  • Will 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    The story of a group of boys growing up

    In one of the shots, everyone must have experienced the coach let these young boys continue to run back and forth on both sides of the ice rink. When I often feel that I have reached the limit of my ability, external forces are constantly forcing myself to continue. Continuing, there is a "sound...

  • Luigi 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    A good film for sports training management

    Before the release of "Lore Munich", the film was shown to students in class. Because there is too much knowledge that can be learned in sports training management. From basic sports training management methods, sports training management principles, to the important role of coaches in training and...

  • Benjamin 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    Miracle on ice

    Americans admire sports stars, even more than entertainment stars, because they not only have a pocket that is beyond ordinary people, but also a physique that exceeds ordinary people and a gritty American spirit. "Miracle" shows a group of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. With an...

  • Christiana 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    For nothing else, just for honor

    I have always liked this kind of inspirational movies. For nothing else, there seems to be an emotional outburst when I look at it, and this emotional outburst is related to the passion and passion presented in this kind of film. When these boys with an average age of 21 realized that they were...

  • Sasha 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    Dream Catcher

    When you feel down, you will go to watch sports movies. "Light of Victory" is my favorite, and the "Miracle on Ice" is really unsatisfactory! The director is good at telling stories, so it's no wonder that he later made a good film like "Warrior"! The best thing is that the US team was full of...

  • Nichole 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    A Brief Comment on "Miracle on Ice": What are you afraid of

    People are born with a sense of fear, just like feeling cold when the sky is cold. There are also related words in "The Analects", you can read them if you are interested. So there is a debate between fear and non-fear. The ancient Chinese said that most people advocated a sense of awe, while...

  • Dee 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    Watching "Miracle on Ice" and thinking of "Road to Rejuvenation"

    Yesterday organized employees to go to the cinema to watch "Miracle on Ice". This is a true story reflecting the ice hockey game during the US-Soviet Winter Olympics during the Cold War. How the young/unexperienced American team defeated an experienced team /The story of the Soviet team that won...

  • Andy 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    The main theme of the United States

    From the movie point of view, it is useless. If you have to find an advantage, it is smooth editing, but this is necessary for shooting sports themes, if you don't know this, don't play it.  Why do Americans give such high marks? The key is that this matter is too awesome, how awesome is it?...