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The Girl on the Train Reviews

  • Maeve 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    Girl on the train

    Girl on the train

    The film is adapted from the book of the same name, "The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins

    When she first read the name of the movie, she defined it as a girl under the big screen. The train passed the camera. A woman with a familiar face. The train passed through a residential...

  • Linnea 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    After love

    In the face of love and marriage, love has its own ways, and deep love looks the same.

    When she gave out her body, she always gave her heart at the same time, but he always wanted to get what he wanted.

    The things between men and women are nothing more than these kinds of love, cheating, gaining,...

  • Roxane 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    The girl on the train firmly crosses the sadness

    The girl on the train is a moving and inspirational movie. Emily Blunt played by Lechl is a literary and artistic youth who likes to paint. She often has wild ideas but the reality is not perfect. She and her husband have never had their own children. Takes out all his savings to be an IVF but is...

  • Felipe 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    Saw the girl on the train

    Seeing the girl on the train, I feel a sense of substitution, because I am also being hurt. When facing a man, there are ways to love each other, but the deep love looks the same, and in the end it becomes completely unrecognizable. Watching this film, in the face of love and marriage, most of the...

  • Romaine 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    "The Lost Lover" pk "The Girl on the Train"

    These two films have been compared by many netizens, and they basically say that "The Girl on the Train" is far worse than "The Lost Lover". This sensory impression is scribbled and not very responsible. Of course, it can be irresponsible to talk casually at the entertainment and pastime level,...

  • Jed 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    Women's weakness

    Rachel begged for a child and started drinking. People are often used to doing things that make them sadder when they are extremely sad to alleviate the pain of initial sadness. Childlessness is indeed a great shortcoming in life, but it does not mean that it will ruin the entire life. It is...

  • Monty 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    "The Girl on the Train": A "fatal" love triangle "triggered" by alcoholism

    Thriller and suspense are the introductory tags of The Girl on the Train. Because I still like movies that are very depressing, I added it to Thunder's taskbar after turning over 10 pages of the resource list. The title of the film will give people the feeling that this is a kind of "weird" story...

  • Wendell 2021-11-22 18:54:16

    Short comment

    The film is like a combination of "Gone girl" and "August: Osage County". Three ordinary women and a female detective. Suspicion, suspicion, conflict, until the final counterattack and revenge, all important roles and plot advancement are completed by women. In contrast, men have far fewer scenes...