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The Gambler Reviews

  • Herminio 2022-10-28 18:42:51

    The specific amount changes in the process of the protagonist's debt repayment

    Gamblers will be more empathetic watching this film.

    Besides, there are some places I still can't understand after four or five years. Such as those dialogues in the first class.

  • Roel 2022-10-24 21:33:57

    This is not a movie about gambling.

    Knowing such a gambler, you also know. He is called Nobel. He gambled to win an invention called explosives. He is addicted to gambling, almost crazy. Once, he lost his own brother's life. People advised him to stop, he didn't. After that, he lost again and again. The more I lose, the worse I am,...

  • Braxton 2022-10-23 00:09:24

    interesting lines

  • Trudie 2022-10-19 22:03:46

    There are many movies just to feel after watching

    Don't watch it as a gangster movie, don't watch it as a gambling movie, watch it as a philosophy film Meaning, no need to worry. On the one hand, screenwriters and directors have to take care of the producers. They only need to design a series of plots that lead the audience to follow and watch; on...

  • Dovie 2022-10-15 20:26:19

    Sunglasses are very entertaining.

    I want to cry, how many people collapse in similar situations, how many people give up and sink. But he did not have the courage to fight for the last time, or accepted the alms that did not need to be repaid but were despised. The male protagonist also has the idea of ​​letting himself go and...

  • Melody 2022-10-11 01:09:32

    Really good looking

    Only those who have gambled too much know how well this movie was made. In the movie, the plot of saying ha is like a gamble on my own. People who have lost too much are like this. They want to win the first time they lost come over. People who have never lost badly don't feel it. In the end, the...

  • Milan 2022-10-07 23:30:14

    Don't care about him!! Fuck it !!!

    A very good movie. First of all, the most noteworthy thing is that the sense of substitution in the whole movie is very, very strong to make the viewer’s feelings, psychology, and thinking constantly change with the protagonist’s activities. From this, you can also see the male lead’s acting...

  • Helga 2022-10-06 04:48:40

    The real experience of the original author is better than the movie

    The film is adapted from a novel by the Russian writer Dostoevsky. The writer was betrayed to death by the Tsar when he was young, and was pardoned only a minute before he was sentenced. This made his nerves seriously stimulated. He wanted to obtain money from gambling. With economic and spiritual...

  • Libbie 2022-10-03 21:01:48

    I'm not a gambler either

    Jim says I want too much, love, house, money...I want to say me too, Jim says what I'm doing doesn't make sense to me, so whatever, when I find the next thing that makes sense I'll do it Not to be degenerate like this, I want to say that I also want to be like this, but reality does not allow it....

  • Josephine 2022-09-30 00:36:52

    very real

    I feel very real. The male protagonist keeps saying that I am not a gambler because he resists. Gambling addiction is like a devil living in my heart, it tempts you again and again. Although the male protagonist has been resisting and shouting in his heart, once he gets started, it will be out of...

The Gambler

Director: Rupert Wyatt

Language: English Release date: December 25, 2014