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The French Lieutenant's Woman Reviews

  • Pablo 2022-09-12 11:51:40

    Love as if you were never hurt.

    Looking back, the characters created by Meryl Streep are like an encyclopedia of women in the twentieth century, condensing the pains and joys, love and hatred, and parting from life and death that all women endured in the last century. . And Sarah, who plays the role of "The French Lieutenant's...

  • Issac 2022-09-12 08:30:01

    character, environment, era, title

    After reading it today, I was very surprised. According to the novel, I thought that Charles should be a young man obsessed with fossils. It would be strange to replace it with Jeremy Irons. It feels different from the original text. Should I change it to "The French Lieutenant's where~~" because...

  • Chet 2022-09-02 23:45:14

    A love spell that spans history

    "It's a Victorian love story and an excavation of the fossils of social life at the same time. It's about love, and it's about individuals in society; it's about history, and it's about reality."

    Whether as an adaptation of a famous novel or as a film with a layered structure, "The French...

  • Uriel 2022-08-21 18:26:16

    what is love? This is a problem.

    It doesn't matter whether the era is not the era, the interlacing of the two romances presents a stronger contrast. Sarah lives in an identity-based society and longs for the freedom to pursue love, but she leaves indifferently after a night of passion. Maybe she doesn't know what love is, but just...

  • Aron 2022-08-21 07:12:22

    My dream is true love and freedom

    When we come to the horizon, when we come to the cape, when we come to the green mountains and green waters of nature, we should not forget to say softly to our hearts: "Go slowly and appreciate it!"... 

  • Macie 2022-08-20 21:57:14

    Reflexive Transcendence

    A few impressive scenes/paragraphs: 1. Panorama, Sarah weaves a hurt past, Charles sits behind her in a crouched position, so you can't see Sarah's almost self-appreciative expression. The camera moves around Sarah, like an open net, and finally brings Charles into the frame, implying that despite...

  • Andreanne 2022-08-20 11:52:26

    rescued and damaged

    With the boos and laughter one after another in the film class, I watched "The French Lieutenant's Woman" again. The boos and giggles are not difficult to understand, after all, this is a story about seduction. Charles met Sarah "the French lieutenant's woman" in the stormy waves - the slut that...

  • Kathryne 2022-08-19 21:06:40


    Since I skipped the first scene, I have seriously misinterpreted the film. Before describing this hilarious misinterpretation, I am going to make a far-fetched defense: The reason for the misinterpretation is because: 1. I don’t know much about history, even if I know a little before, I have...

  • Julien 2022-08-19 18:31:11

    Just tell me how I feel

    The reality and the play are always different. Maybe there can be a perfect ending in the play, but not necessarily in reality. Human emotions are always subtle, and no one knows what other people are thinking. Love can make people give up everything, can make people jealous, can make people...

  • Dolores 2022-08-19 03:11:54

    Heart should be free, love should be equality

    The story takes place in the Victorian era of England. The heroine Sarah (played by Meryl) was born in poverty, but has a talent for drawing. She has a crush on a French lieutenant, and when she finds out that the lieutenant does not love her, she decisively cuts off contact. She came to Lime Town...