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The French Lieutenant's Woman Reviews

  • Uriah 2022-09-18 17:32:13

    selfish and calm woman

    I have never been able to resist unrequited love.

    This is a movie within a play. In the play, Sarah, who is considered by the world as a lascivious prostitute, tragically falls in love with a handsome man who has already signed a marriage contract, and what is even more tragic is that in the...

  • Chaim 2022-09-18 10:25:20

    In and out of the play

    opening shot

    Standing on the back of Potty, I don't know if it's Anna or Sarah

  • Mable 2022-09-16 17:49:47

    The level is limited, I will change it in the future

    "The French Lieutenant's Woman" movie viewing notes Two clues in time and space: 1. The transformation of similar objects such as telephone ringing, the same scene, portraits, etc. 2. The advancement of the storyline; 3. The relationship between characters, the relationship between actors and...

  • Mattie 2022-09-15 22:58:21

    not a problem

    1. People around are not very optimistic about this film, but: this film is played by Aunt Mei. After listening to it, it is ironic that the quality of a drama is actually influenced by the actors. What I don't like about this drama is that the women in the film not only do not have the spirit of...

  • Rosemary 2022-09-15 22:47:19

    mysterious woman

    Watching an old movie in the middle of the night, the young Aunt Mei is so beautiful, the embodiment of innocence, sexiness and evil, such a woman lives in such an era, all she wants is freedom, a woman's freedom. A mysterious woman who can't be caught or held tightly. It's good to live a life like...

  • Al 2022-09-15 22:22:47

    past and present

    I remember a writer saying that the most beautiful scenery in the world is a woman.

    We often discuss how a person and a woman are beautiful. Is beauty a face? In Fowles's writings, there is a woman who is not very good-looking but attracts a man who values ​​his reputation to be with her at all...

  • Amani 2022-09-15 04:26:46

    The Composition of Romance Film Mode and the Origin of Literature

    Director: (British) Karel Reitz

    Screenwriter (adaptation): (British) Harold Pinter - absurdist drama "Birthday Party"

  • Immanuel 2022-09-14 21:18:20

    The opposition between man and society

    ——"The French Lieutenant's Woman" gave me the feeling that many people in the world are jealous of moral traitors. In particular, women should be jealous of the daring among them, and enjoy the bliss of the body with men by their temperament. They despised "Miss" and condemned cheating, but deep...

  • Nakia 2022-09-14 20:56:29

    The uninhibited soul against the waves

    I'm married to shame, and it's shame that keeps me going. I know I'm not like other women, I can't have a husband, a daughter, and a family like them. Sometimes I sympathize with them, I have a freedom they absolutely cannot understand, and insults and reproaches don't move me a hair. I took myself...

  • Larissa 2022-09-14 18:22:37


    Rebirth                    - A Comparison of Two Stories of "The French Lieutenant's Woman" The film "French Lieutenant's Woman" runs through two clues, showing the emotional confusion and choice between men and women in two different eras through the interlacing of time and space. The main clue of...