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The French Lieutenant's Woman Reviews

  • Hank 2022-10-03 12:37:50

    "Honor" reading excerpt

    In 1981, the 54th Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Editing Actress and other nominations.

    The director of the film, Carlisle Reitz, was the founder of British free film in the 1960s, whose masterpiece is "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning". He is recognized as the best at adapting...

  • Jaiden 2022-09-27 11:09:49

    The Two-Line Narrative Structure of The French Lieutenant's Woman

    1. Themes

    "The French Lieutenant's Woman" uses the "two-line narrative" technique to compare the love of the Victorian era in the 18th century with the emotional entanglement of modern men and women. Although the two stories are unrelated in content, their theme of love is , you can see the...

  • Asa 2022-09-23 04:34:54

    On the Two-Line Narrative of "The French Lieutenant's Woman"

    From the very beginning of the film, actress Anna, played by Meryl Streep, is staring at herself in a mirror that is both "me" and not "me", a parallel of the dual heroines. The setting is her self-exploration and self-examination, as if she is exploring "who I am" and confirming the...

  • Angeline 2022-09-22 06:23:49

    Confused and amazed

    A perplexing and amazed film. Compared with big-name original works, big-name actors, big-name screenwriters, and big-name movies, the director is rather bleak. The screenwriter himself is a director, drama director, one of the representatives of the famous British absurdist drama, and also won the...

  • Crawford 2022-09-21 20:32:31

    dream life,

    Dreaming of Life, - "The French Lieutenant's Woman" Preface: "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is based on the original book, which is actually a fairly simple story - an engaged man who falls in love with an abandoned woman , For this reason, the man abandoned his fiancee and chose to live and live...

  • Desiree 2022-09-21 14:20:05

    woman of a french lieutenant

    There are two lines in the movie. In the play, Charles fell in love with Sarah, who was called "whore", gave up her marriage and reputation for her, lost herself for her, searched for Sarah for three years, met again and abandoned the old hatred, and finally had love. People get married. The second...

  • Erwin 2022-09-21 01:14:17

    A wonderful movie within a movie, a drama within a drama

    one. The arrogant prejudice      actors Anna and Mike followed the crew to the small town of Lyme in southern England to film. In the play, Sarah, the governess played by Anna, met the French lieutenant at the host's house. Her heart was quickly captured and she followed the lieutenant. But seeing...

  • Alexanne 2022-09-20 22:56:05

    Mysterious woman, misty love

    Meryl Streep looked back at the moment when she was wrapped in a black trench coat on the wind and rainy coast. That kind of miserable, confused and a little persistent look was really impressive. She truly understood the soul of the character, the ardent desire for love in this woman's heart and...

  • Lucas 2022-09-19 01:58:16

    I can't write anymore to complain

    I want to write something about this movie (homework) The more I think about it, the more I feel that the theme of this movie is worthless. The director has to compare the classical love in the play and the love between the two actors in reality. spirit. I don't know if it is the reason why the...

  • Corrine 2022-09-18 17:55:19

    drama and life

    Two stories in and out of the play for a man and a woman. In the play, the male protagonist who was engaged in the Victorian era fell in love with the governess who was on the edge of the cliff and looked in the direction of the French lieutenant's departure. The heart of this mysterious woman....-