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The French Lieutenant's Woman Reviews

  • Griffin 2022-10-18 22:26:18

    The modern cheap man's attempted cheating + the ancient cheap old third success story

    The actor's acting skills are very good, which made me deeply feel the title of the title under the guise of love. I think of the father in when I want to do whatever I want. At first, it was under the guise of obedience and desire, and I did a lot of things that others thought It's too much. The...s

  • Theresa 2022-10-18 02:36:56

    "The French Lieutenant's Woman", A Confirmation of Individual Identity

    From the very beginning of the film, actress Anna, played by Meryl Streep, is staring at herself in a mirror that is both "me" and not "me", a parallel of the dual heroines. The setting is her self-exploration and self-examination, as if she is exploring "who I am" and confirming the meaning of the...

  • Josie 2022-10-17 15:55:44

    woman traveling through time

    The film tells the story of a short-lived love in the work process of a pair of modern actors and actresses, Mike and Anna, which ended in regret, as well as the twisted love of the Victorian men and women Charles and Sarah they played and ended with a harmonious ending. , created two female images...

  • Carmella 2022-10-17 01:16:13

    Some thoughts on adaptation

    There are many ways to adapt. When adapting, the director will always fall into such a meditation, which is to pay more attention to the core idea of ​​the original work, and pay more attention to its content. There is a big difference between the expression method of film and text. Many content in...

  • Maia 2022-10-09 07:35:42

    Pursue spiritual freedom and love beyond the mundane

    My earliest memory of the film "The French Lieutenant's Woman" comes from my childhood. I vaguely remember that I saw this movie on TV shows like "Zhengda Variety", but I was probably a primary school student at that time, and I only vaguely remember Meryl Streep With the big cloak and the deep,...

  • Roxanne 2022-10-08 08:47:26

    Mysterious -- Nervous -- Woman

    The two main lines of this film confused me at first. One is the story of the hero and heroine of the original work, and the other is the story between the actors and actresses who interpret the original work. Two different shades, old age greys, new age brights; old age love combines and new age...

  • Cathryn 2022-10-08 03:18:56


    The film progresses in the interlacing of time and space, and the feelings of the actors and actresses are entangled inside and outside the play; difficult choices, true and false feelings, and elegant male and female protagonists make this film extremely attractive to me. Sarah, played by Meryl,...

  • Madelyn 2022-10-06 16:42:14

    From Sarah to Anna

    When he went to look for her, a steamboat with steam appeared on the long river. This is the result of the industrial revolution and a symbol of a country's progress.

  • Fabiola 2022-10-05 20:34:21

    Everyone is an actor

    In fact, everyone is an actor         - a small review "The French Lieutenant's Woman"         "The French Lieutenant's Woman" (The French lieutenant's woman) is adapted from the British author John Fowles's novel of the same name. It was completed in 1981 under the direction of Carroll Reitz. The...

  • Angel 2022-10-05 20:11:49

    woman of a french lieutenant

    In fact, the French lieutenant's woman is more of a narrative method of drama within a play. One of the two stories is the Victorian era and the other is the 1980s, so the difference in clothing is also obvious. British women in the Victorian period had extremely strict aesthetic requirements, so...