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The Florida Project Reviews

  • Jamil 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Florida Paradise

    The chaotic bottom life, the chaotic childhood, after watching this film, I can't help but sigh that there is no nationality in the world and the difference between nationalities is only the difference between the rich and the poor. An indictment of American society The film hopes to create a...

  • Barbara 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    A heartbreaking and absorbing portrayal of the lower class

    This movie, "The Florida Project", is one of the very rare movies that pay attention to the lower class in modern America, and it gives a truly natural, realistic, heartbreaking, depressing and absorbing portrait. The six-year-old girl Moonee and her young mother Halley do a lot of "wrong" things,...

  • Una 2022-03-23 09:02:08

    Hi Moni

    What is life at the bottom? What is life at the top? What is dirty, filthy, unbearable, and despised? Everyone's life or this reality is like this. No matter who it is, reality is inevitable. I have to give in, what I cannot escape is the weakness that cannot be changed, what I cannot escape is the...

  • Belle 2022-03-23 09:02:08

    Hi Moni

    What is life at the bottom? What is life at the top? What is dirty, filthy, unbearable, and despised? Everyone's life or this reality is like this. No matter who it is, reality is inevitable. I have to give in, what I cannot escape is the weakness that cannot be changed, what I cannot escape is the...

  • Pete 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    Realistic super five-star!

    The real significance of this fake children's documentary is more than five stars! When it was released, in 2017, millions of children in the United States were (not) taught (schooled) educated (schooled) at home, and in 2021, 20 million American children have not attended school for a year. . ....

  • Hilton 2022-03-22 09:02:00


    When I watched it, I kept thinking about what the movie was going to tell us, and what it wanted to tell us. I didn’t understand it until the end of the movie... Later, I thought about it, isn’t human nature like this, how can there be so many truths to talk about? , simply depicting the child's...

  • Lexie 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    Joy, Happiness and Nurturing

    In the scene of buying ice cream, adults see the child's lack of education, deceive the child to see their own intelligence, free delicious ice cream, and eat ice cream. worth treasuring. There are many more such scenarios. We see the "darkness and misery" hidden under the beautiful colors, so we...

  • Omari 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    Living in the Purple Castle——Analysis of the Narrative Function of the Motel in "Florida Paradise"

    This article is the final assignment of Mr. Yang Peng in the 2021 spring semester on the history of architectural development in the twentieth century. The request is to analyze the buildings that play a decisive role in a certain movie.

    The exterior of the motel

    The blue...

  • Ubaldo 2022-03-22 09:02:00


    A rich but heavy film.

    This story reminds me of a clip from an unknown drama I watched before, where a girl had a criminal record because she stole in high school. When interviewing for a top law firm, although she had excellent grades, she was brushed down because of this incident. When I watched...

  • Shaylee 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    ashamed for wanting to rant about Moni's behavior

    1. From the perspective of the script, although it seems to be the flow of life, the three times Moni and his friends are three very important nodes, and the focus of the film's narrative is on Moni, and all the stories revolve around As Money unfolds, although it seems that there is no plot, it...