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The Florida Project Reviews

  • Jalyn 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    Kid, she sees everything

    Overall still like it. Four and a half stars. I deducted half of it and felt that the rhythm was too slow at first to not know what to say.

    He knows kids. They don't know everything. They understand something. They see everything.

    The difficulty of filming children so well makes me feel that this...

  • Oda 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    Without Disney, we still have? and the purple house

    Whether it’s film or literature, it’s good to have audiences who can focus, thinking can be a thing for everyone, and there are people who are born with superior intelligence or a mission to solve problems. For most ordinary people, they can gradually try to understand each different life form, or...

  • Hattie 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    You say purple is as beautiful as summer, but you don't see the bugs in it

    "Florida Paradise", the title is thought to be a comedy full of childlike fun, but in fact, like the Magic Castle Motel, it is dressed in candy purple, but it is full of bugs.

    Innocent children, swear words and outrageous jokes, it all seemed out of place, full of uncomfortable dissonance. The...

  • Chance 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    A summer paradise in a precocious girl's candy-colored dream

    First published on the public account: he reads notes

    The reason for watching this movie is very simple, just want to find out. Why are so many people recommending a movie, but so many people complain that this movie is not worthy of being recommended.

    Maybe I don't have a deep analysis of this...

  • Freda 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    run run run

    The tone of the whole movie is very uniform. It happened in a purple hotel. The colors are bright, and I personally think it is a bit like the colorful American period in Edward Scissorhands.

    The story takes place in summer and ends in summer. The rhythm in the front is relaxed and happy, there is...

  • Pascale 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    How can I make you happy kids

    It's hard to comment on the mom in the film, is she a good person? She is indeed not a bad person. She cherishes her friends and her daughter. She says that she has a different educational philosophy. Indeed, her freedom and openness are completely given to her daughter, Monne. She has indeed done...

  • Giuseppe 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    It's their childhood, not yours

    The purple-painted exterior wall, the sloppy ice cream, the abandoned house across the road, the fallen and growing tree, and the fireworks shared with the people inside the wall... All were fixed in the summer of the age of 6. Childhood is Disney's beautiful fairy tale or unscrupulous play? Inside...

  • Joesph 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    Disney and the slum are just a wall apart

    The Disneyland, which is separated from the slum by a wall, is not only a huge tumor that continuously radiates the surrounding slums, but also a haven for the lives and dreams of all people in the slums. Dreamy and cruel. This movie is better than the story of the tragic core, wrapped in the outer...

  • Sammy 2022-04-19 09:02:11

    It's always been that way, isn't it?

    Looking back at the entire film, the gorgeous tones match the beautiful weather in Florida. Childlike. The kindness of adults. Fireworks and rainbows. All the good things that should be there have not been deliberately concealed. Rao is so, but the whole film is still depressing.

    I don't have a...

  • Grady 2022-04-19 09:02:11

    Freedom is not a one-way street

    In my opinion, it would be most appropriate to summarize this film as inspirational. If the attitude towards mothers is inclusive, it may be difficult for me to say things like "at least better than those mothers who abandoned their children" and "I'm disappointed in Bobby." It's not that she can't...