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The Florida Project Reviews

  • Shaun 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    Distant summer, childhood in dreams

    The whole film is like a colorful and broken dream. After watching it, there is an inexplicable melancholy, as if my head is still floating in the air, slowly chewing and reminiscing about those colorful fragments.

    Earlier, I saw a movie blogger posted a screenshot of a child sitting at a table...

  • Keith 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    repressed, human

    The child is the most pitiful, the mother loves the child but too emmmmm hates the United States and hates Japan, but some people are innocent, the whole country is like this, where do we need to change the world? Where do I start to change my life and change my destiny? Life is really hard, life...

  • Kassandra 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    The charm of a good story

    A good story hits your heart directly, it has no disguise, and you don't even want to disguise it.

    After the tears you will think, what can you do. Right now, you may feel powerless and don't know what to do. But maybe later in your life you will do something because of this story. That's how movies...

  • Gus 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    children's paradise

    An independent film without the embellishment of the original soundtrack, in line with the true level of awards season, more scrutinized than three billboards, more memorable than Miss Bird. In the first half, you thought it was going to be about a bear child & her mother. There was no turbulence...

  • Jadon 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    living in florida

    A film full of childlike dreams and real life collisions. It is said that the director has been on the verge of bankruptcy and insisted on his own film style. Until he was over half a hundred years old, after reading his works, there were indeed very few. It was also because of hardships. Will have...

  • Payton 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    They are all inferior, who still looks down on who!

    I saw this film by accident, it's not very deep, how sad. On the contrary, it is interesting to observe many pictures of the adult world from the perspective of children. It's even more funny to see the quarrel in the comments. Watching a movie, of course, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the...

  • Alexandrine 2022-04-21 09:02:27

    "Paradise" only for children

    1. At the beginning, I mistakenly think that Bobby is the image of a profit-making little boss who guides strangers to extort him, and later realizes that it is to protect children from pedophiles. I thought that Bobby might be a positive image in the movie, and it was true later. Although he was...

  • Gardner 2022-04-21 09:02:27


    The film tells the story of a civilian area in Foro. The friendship of children, the way of education of young mothers, and many details of human nature are vividly displayed, and at the same time, people can see the living environment in the civilian area and people's attitude towards life. The...

  • Lela 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    Florida Paradise

    I have recently started visiting relatives frequently

    some relatives who only see once a year

  • Armani 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    The tree has fallen, but it is still growing

    The children of the slums do not know or care what kind of predicament they are living in. They follow their nature and live happily and unrestrainedly. Eating ice cream, spitting, pranking, exploring abandoned houses, it seems that the suffering around them has nothing to do with them. Children...

The Florida Project

Director: Sean Baker

Language: English,Spanish,Portuguese Release date: November 10, 2017