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The Face of Another Reviews

  • Bertha 2022-10-25 07:33:06

    Is it complicated

    A situation appeared at 1:50:00, I thought about it, and the conclusion was this. Here is the logical difference between men and women and this is the root of everything They think it is noble to hide their faces They allow each other to hide it is a show of respect for each other and should be...

  • Kiarra 2022-10-19 21:06:03

    mask tag

    A mask is like a label. After losing these labels, a person seems to have lost himself. When he finds another label, he seems to have gained freedom, but he is actually more lonely. The label that does not belong to himself is only a stranger to himself. As said in the movie, he is not alone. The...

  • Autumn 2022-10-19 13:45:40

    If everyone had the ability to change their appearance at will

            Does the face control the heart or does the heart control the face? It is quite enjoyable to change to a new account to chat with acquaintances.         In the middle of the film, a short paragraph of the experimental idea of ​​the universalization of disguise technology is inserted, and it...

  • Gudrun 2022-10-12 20:32:45

    Partial lens analysis, metaphor

    At the beginning of the film, a prosthetic hand is thrown into the water, and the doctor's narration says, "This is inferiority in the form of a hand. I will fill the funnel left in the heart by inferiority." This is an important hint. Doctor's wife/nurse clue first appeared 35" [The nurse suddenly...

  • Era 2022-10-11 00:45:32

    some lines

    Conditions of civilization だから deep sea fish はあんなグロテスクなになれたんじゃん. Does having lights on at night signify the conditions of civilization? ! But only when the world is dominated by darkness can a faceless man seize freedom. That's why deep-sea fish have such oddly shaped faces. そんな Example えばなしち出してきた?...

  • Yvonne 2022-10-08 18:55:25

    you are the mask

    "The mask lives on your body every day. A face that can be taken off. A world without family, friends, or enemies. No crime, because there will be no criminals. No one will desire freedom, because we will all be free . No one will run away because there will be nowhere for them to escape....s

  • Daniela 2022-10-08 05:04:06

    face of others

    An in-depth look at the loss of identity and fear of the shadows of war, which were the focus of the first two installments. The film more adopted the French left bank, such as chris marker, the setting of the operating room and a lot of abrupt mirror composition reminiscent of European surrealism...

  • Kayleigh 2022-09-24 14:18:26

    face of others

    The third part of the Abe public house trilogy of Hiroshi Kawahara, the disfigured male protagonist Okuyama got a face of someone else with the help of a doctor, and then began to completely break away from the original role under his new identity, trying to never be He tried to return, and seduced...

  • Tiara 2022-09-24 02:49:28

    Escaping the "freedom" of the other

    1. The doctor's purpose Okuyama repeatedly asked the doctor "what is your real purpose" before and after obtaining the mask. Every time the doctor used "experiment" as an excuse to prevaricate the past, making people think that he was just out of pure human spirit. Curiosity hides real motives. To...

  • Camryn 2022-09-21 09:07:21

    face and person

    Although many people do not admit it, in fact, the most intuitive impression people have of others is their appearance, or to put it more directly, it is the face. The face is the passport of a person's identity. Compared with other art forms, video art such as film can better explore the image of...