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The Devil's Backbone Reviews

  • Herminia 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    Heavy rain and fighter jets overhead

    Children also have ghosts, and they are ghosts who never forget revenge. This fictitious fact makes people shudder at first. Said that this film reflects the cruel humanity in the war. I don't take it seriously. War is a background and a cover. In fact, this is the real world that boys face....

  • Clotilde 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    The story of bomb, gold and humanity

    The moment the bomb fell, the breeding greed had been frozen, and the subsequent gasoline explosion further portrayed the endless desire for greed. You can kill a child for gold or everyone for gold! In the end, it can be said that everyone in the hospital (including the two assistants) strangled...

  • Marilyne 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    The gloom of human nature shrouded in sin

    War makes crime legal, and war hides the names of criminals. War is the key to opening Pandora's Box. How many real crimes occurred under the aegis of war. This is a favorite theme of Del Toro, so he put many of his films in the context of the Spanish Civil War. What I admire most about this film...

  • Ida 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    The doctor is the highlight of the whole show

    I didn't expect the film to be so good

    From the beginning of the monologue to the final echo, I feel that the doctor is great. Alas, the doctor knows Carmen’s betrayal but waits for her until the final promise to the child after his death. He is indeed a gentleman, but the initials on the...

  • Unique 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    The children in this movie

    Although it is a horror movie, apart from the shock, I still appreciate the children's acting skills. The children who are learning and growing up in these orphanages are pitiful. They are the products of war, and they have experienced the evils of war. While the children around us are happily...

  • Garret 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    No children, only different stages of real life

    When I started watching it as a horror movie, I felt it was "Pan Shen's Labyrinth." I personally don't like Pan Shen's Labyrinth, not as a movie, but as an atmosphere. ——When the impetuosity is enough, movies are expected to be entertainment rather than deeper feelings. Like the Pan Shen Maze,...

  • Paris 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    There is not only hate but also love even though death is still alive

    Watching some movies is like witnessing a miracle, which is rare in my experience of watching movies for many years. These excellent images awaken your long-lost love of life, the silent affection, and isolate you from the boring and cruel real world. Come, begin to touch the other side of this...