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The Departed Reviews

  • Pascale 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    What's the different?

    After seeing a lot of post-viewing posts about the departed, the point of view is very simple. This movie remakes Hong Kong Infernal Affairs as "f**king shit". It seems that people who have watched this movie are more likely to say these two words. It's smooth, just like friends who read too much...

  • Heath 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    sorry i don't buy it

    Running to the famous Martin Scorsese and the Oscars to see the old horse disappointed me.

    If I hadn't seen the Hong Kong version, I would give this movie a good review, with a rating of 8+ or above, but I have watched the Hong Kong version n times, but some people say that it is really...

  • Laurianne 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    Angrily hitting one star is a waste.

    At first I thought I only learned the shape, but later I found out that I didn't even learn the shape. Can you win an Oscar for this shit? How disgusting this is. Only learned the skin and form, did not learn the essence of Infernal Affairs. It's not a preconceived problem either, a bad film is a...

  • Ivory 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    Leonardo DiCaprio looks more and more like Lenin

    The American remakes are all familiar plots, not too different from the Hong Kong version. The dialogue is full of foul language. Within a minute, these guys can squirt twenty times of fucking from their mouths, so I'm dreaming at night. If you are talking in your dreams, you will be swearing in...

  • Dennis 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    Is it really necessary to care so much about the "little golden man"?

    I have seen this film a few years ago, but at that time, I didn't have the habit of writing my thoughts. Recently, I watched several Oscar best films in a row, so I thought of writing something about this film. what. Generally speaking, it is still a bit difficult to write a movie that has been...

  • Retta 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    Fried cold rice with a little pepper powder

    If I've never seen an American movie, if I've never seen the Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs", this movie will make me very excited. But unfortunately, I have seen it all, so there is no freshness at all, is it not that I added a little pepper powder when frying cold rice. Besides, it is a...

  • Alysha 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    Movies are also acclimatized

    To be honest, I was quite excited and proud when I heard that Hollywood bought the rights to Infernal Affairs and remade it with a luxurious cast. I really love that Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs". This Hong Kong movie's salvation work should be regarded as a milestone. It has accumulated...

  • Alvera 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    People are really not born equal, but people will strive for it, and that is the most important thing.

    Is putting the cart before the horse a bad thing? I haven't watched the Hong Kong version of Infernal Affairs, but I watched the American version of Infernal Affairs first, and it feels pretty good. Xiao Lizi is very suitable for those who are entangled in their hearts, and the painful expression...

  • Elouise 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    A sense of subtle differences lingers

    Hollywood bought the copyright of Infernal Affairs in Hong Kong, took the book to make a movie, and then got the Oscar. I don't quite understand. But The Departed and The Departed are different styles of the same story. Hong Kong is more refined and sensational, and every line is carefully crafted,...

  • Rosalee 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    The Departed: Another classic remake

    Everything originated from the shocking work "Infernal Affairs" in 2002. After that, Hong Kong people continued with two more vigorously. The end of the Infernal Trilogy marked the birth of the classic. The fame spread to Lao Mei, who coveted the brilliance of the story and decided to remake the...