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The Color of Paradise Reviews

  • Monique 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    What color is my heaven

    The summer vacation came, and the blind boy waited for his father to pick him up. The blind child's fingers are his eyes, use it to read, explore the way, and perceive the world. The teacher told him that God is everywhere. The blind child hopes to find God, listen carefully, touch carefully, and...

  • Maybell 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    boy and man

    In fact, in this kind of religious patriarchal society, only the men of the uppermost ruling class live comfortably.

    The following men's days look at this film, the widowed man, who has a blind son, two daughters, and an old mother's difficult living condition. He is working hard, repairing the...

  • Kacie 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    Who can answer Muhammad's question?

    Watched this movie on an exhausting evening. Because I saw the director's "Little Shoes" many years ago, I was moved to a mess. So this time, I was mentally prepared in advance, thinking that he must have some episodes that touched the softest part of his heart.     Sure enough, when Muhammad was...

  • Carmine 2022-03-25 09:01:23


    The first time I saw an Iranian movie, the director discussed using a three-minute dark screen to give people a heavy psychological expectation. At the same time, my first reaction was that the protagonist was probably blind. With the appearance of the protagonist Mohammed , which also confirmed my...

  • Forrest 2022-03-25 09:01:23


    The first time I saw an Iranian movie, the director discussed using a three-minute dark screen to give people a heavy psychological expectation. At the same time, my first reaction was that the protagonist was probably blind. With the appearance of the protagonist Mohammed , which also confirmed my...

  • Gerald 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    A monologue of Muhammad

    "Nobody loves me, not even my grandma. They all left me because I was blind. If I could see, I could go to school like everyone else, but now, I have to go to school for the blind, like in It's the same on the other side of the world. The teacher said that the Lord loves the blind because they...

  • Zola 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    Allah's water

    1. Water, water is a dangerous thing in this film. Every time the boy approaches the water, there is a feeling that his life will be threatened. 2. The father-son relationship, the father's eyes when picking up the child from school and the boy's reaction , from which we can see the crack in the...

  • Isai 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    Blindness is the flaw

    I think children can understand the language of animals and know their father's thoughts. Although their eyes cannot see, their hearts are very clear. When preparing gifts for grandma and sisters, refuse the biscuits given by the teacher and wait for the gifts to be packed. Muhammad knew that the...

  • Leonora 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    I'm worried that you're not him

    God communicates with everyone in his own way. Grains of wheat, gravel, and birdsong are all his words. If you listen carefully and listen to him, you will feel his presence. Maybe you will scold him without noticing him. , but to live with the heart, to love, that is the journey to this world. We...

  • Chesley 2022-03-24 09:03:50

    Now I keep reaching out until one day I feel the presence of God and tell him everything, even the secrets of my heart.

    I know no one loves me, not even my grandma, they all left me because I was blind. If I could see, I could go to school like everyone else, but now I have to go to school for the blind, just like on the other side of the world. The teacher said that God loves blind people more because they can't...