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The Color of Paradise Reviews

  • Roger 2022-04-21 09:03:48

    Dilemma and tenderness

    In fact, I have come into contact with the movie "Color of Heaven" before. After watching the movie seriously again, I still feel a deep sense of powerlessness. This sense of powerlessness exists not only in movies, but also in real life, and the source of this sense of powerlessness may come from...

  • Newell 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    who is blinder

    Another Iranian children's movie. The director is Maggie Magidi. I once mentioned Abbas' "Where Is My Friend's Home" that I watched with my son, which     is also an excellent children's film in Iran. Because of Iran's strong religious atmosphere and various cultural restrictions, the directors...

  • Terrill 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    What color is heaven?

    What is the color of heaven? Is it colorful candy, is it flowers, is it a rainbow after the rain? In the eyes of the blind, what is the color of heaven? Their world cannot even see black and white, only boundless darkness.     Iranian movies are very innocent, especially children's movies. The eyes...

  • Dante 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    There are always places that you can both see and see. . .

    What does darkness feel like? I don't know, and I don't want to know. Is heaven far? Far, we don't know where he is. Is heaven near? Near, maybe in our hearts. Does heaven have color? No, heaven, how can there be color. Does heaven really have no color? Yes, there should be. Perhaps, hands, nose,...

  • Lauriane 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    child's eyes

    Children are the most beautiful people in the world. They have a pair of clear and almost perfect eyes. Even if he can't see you, he will silently feel the pure side of the world. The movie made me almost cry, moved by this child's heartfelt desire! Love our life. There are many movies about father...

  • Lukas 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    color of heaven

    The whole film is full of various voices, grandma's voice, father's voice, running water, woodpecker's voice. The film spreads to every blood vessel in the body like a damp air that I smell when I walk outside the door in the early morning. That blood flowing is love, although it is a tragedy, but...

  • Oma 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    the color of paradise

    "You know no one loves me, not even my grandma. They all left me because I was blind and I could go to school like everyone else... but now I have to go to school for the the other side of the world .To be honest God loves blind people more because they can't see... but I said if...

  • Rubye 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    Heaven I have been to, colors I have seen

    One of the national customs and taboos in Iran is that it is forbidden to talk about the color of the eyes of newborn children. But I believe Muhammad would have preferred someone to kiss his eyelashes in a compliment and say, "My child, your eyes are so beautiful." The color of his eyes is the...

  • Dayne 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    color of heaven

    The blind boy Merman is studious and caring. He will pick up the fledglings that have fallen from the tree, and then work hard to climb to the tree and put the fledglings back into the nest to avoid being eaten by cats. He would caress the flowers in the fields, the stones in the creek, and spell...

  • Lynn 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    Humanity that struggles repeatedly

    Towards the end of the movie, I ask myself, what do I want the ending to be? When the father woke up, the boy lay beside his father? Or has the boy been swallowed by the sea? When I saw that poor man, I had always thought that he was a blind child for his own happiness. What kind of cowardice and...