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The Black Hole Reviews

  • Retta 2022-09-04 05:26:28

    please fasten your desire

    The tone of the film "Black Hole"   is pale, gloomy, and there is only one person in the huge office. Everyone else got off work, but he was the only one left. A little guy, a loser, an underdog. Then he discovered the black hole, from curiosity, temptation, to desire, desire for a free piece of...

  • Uriel 2022-08-30 22:20:53

    an interesting perspective

    The funny thing is, the greed and exploitation of capitalists are not greedy. The greed of ordinary employees is unforgivable. In a short story, it is announced to the world and warned the world: the greed of ordinary people is not allowed. Packing the core of such "private supreme glory" is...

  • Carmine 2022-08-30 21:12:45

    The black hole of human nature, endless desires——Analysis of "Black Hole"

    ——Analysis of "Black Hole" Desire, greed and human nature, it seems that people are fighting against them all their lives. The small and empty office is full of human greed and desire. Although "Black Hole" is only a micro-movie of more than two minutes, it undoubtedly exposes human nature and...

  • Janiya 2022-08-30 16:08:33

    What would happen if a person fell into a black hole?

    Honey-craving flies are sure to drown in the nectar. The short film makes full use of sound effects to render the atmosphere, and vividly expresses the irritability and collapse of the clerk's heart.

    Insatiable greed, the short film depicts the greed of human nature to the core. The short film...

  • Jennie 2022-08-30 15:48:46

    Where the sun can't reach, you will see the darkness of humanity

    In The Divine Comedy, Dante lists the seven deadly sins of man, from light to heavy, and the third is "greed". St. Thomas Aquinas considered covetousness to be "the sin of turning away from God, and like all corrupt sins, man gives up what is eternal for what is corrupt."

    In 2009, a Cannes...

  • Marguerite 2022-08-30 14:15:13

    Take you to fall into the abyss of human nature in three minutes - revealing the connotation of the short film "Black Hole"

    (Write this film review as required by the final exam)

    A three-minute Cannes award-winning short film, which staged a foreign version of the story of "the heart is not enough to swallow the elephant". The film mainly tells the whole process of the protagonist accidentally...