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The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years Reviews

  • Lou 2022-12-16 08:14:16

    The Beatles Tour that changed the world

    "The Vietnam War is becoming more and more intensified, and racial protests in the United States are intensifying. Why should I go touring with a band that comes in October and December?" In 1964, when broadcast reporter Larry Kane was invited to follow the Beatles in the United States During the...

  • Silas 2022-12-05 22:26:21

    British three-piece rock

    When I entered the venue, I was 20 minutes late and pushed away. When I saw the grandparents in the hall , there were performance clips in the movie. The grandpa on the right has been singing in a low voice. It gave too many shots to crazy fans. It's a little bit weak. When Paul was young, he was...

  • Godfrey 2022-10-16 18:57:11

    Produced by Ron Howard, quality guaranteed

    Regarding the title of Ron Howard, I have heard that the most appropriate one is "Outstanding Model Worker in Hollywood". Because he is well versed in Hollywood movie mode. He can tell you an extraordinary story in a smooth and calm narrative way. The technique and pace of storytelling are all...

  • Millie 2022-06-08 23:16:28

    Eight days a week

    I learned that the newspaper called...

  • Fernando 2022-06-08 21:39:04

    Doesn't it work without a title?

    It was really good eight days a week. I have seen a lot of recorded images of insects before, and I like the clear context and comfortable rhythm. The selected interview is also very interesting and special. I like the clip of the black aunt the most. "When they are on the stage, I don’t think they...

  • Sigurd 2022-06-08 21:00:50

    Mature in love and hate

    Hate is not the opposite of love, hate is love itself.

    Many people only know the infinite beauty of the Beatles, because they are the ceiling. But the biggest impression of this documentary is that they are as imperfect as everyone else, but they are always improving. The Beatles’ experience is like...

  • Larue 2022-06-08 20:23:25


    The tour era is about the glorious moments of the Beatles. In the film, the outstanding spirit of the beatles is demonstrated. They are united, they are full of passion, they dare to take on and face it, and they have independent thinking. Beatles became the leader of young people. They brought...

  • Jeanette 2022-06-08 20:14:58

    Plundered youth, forced to grow up

    "Hello, I’m Paul McCartney and I’m the bassist." "I’m George Harrison and I’m the solo guitarist." "I’m Ringo Starr and I’m the drummer." "I am It’s John Lennon, and I’m a better guitarist."

    In 1962, the Beatles "Four Wonders" were tied together by fate. At the age of nineteen, drinking together,...