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That's What I Am Reviews

  • Alice 2022-11-26 13:50:04

    Children can be cruel too

    Sometimes I can't help shuddering when I see children or teenagers doing some bad or cruel things. When I was a child, I grew up with "human nature is inherently good", and then I gradually realized that human nature is inherently evil. It's not unreasonable either. But education plays the most...

  • Federico 2022-11-17 21:12:34

    # Ticket Stub Movie Review# If this script is placed in China!

    One day, screenwriter Xiao A was moved to read this story and burst into tears. He said, "I am the screenwriter, that's what I am." Plan, take advantage of the movie trend and plan to set it up with a script. As a result, it was immediately rejected by the producers. The reason is simple, despite...

  • Damion 2022-11-06 21:15:14

    Human dignity + passion = peace

    When I first watched this movie, I was helping my mother fix a machine. Casually, there are videos with complicated backgrounds flowing on the TV. When I came back to God, it was already 1/4. This is also 1/4 of what I looked back at after reading it.     The film is light, telling about a teacher...

  • Dee 2022-11-03 22:01:11

    We always have a lot of questions about growth

    The reason why youth is cruel is because we have already put on tinted glasses to see people. The back of peace is not war but desire. The desire to be better than others, the desire to be popular, the desire not to be excluded. But there are always some people whose choices exceed desires and the...

  • Aniyah 2022-10-11 19:16:40

    That's What I Am

    That's What I Am wrote a recommendation, not a recommendation, not because the movie is not that good, but the weight of "recommendation" is that it is not necessarily, and it does not have to suit everyone's appetite. Watching this movie, I saw a preview on TV and heard only one sentence,...

  • Madisen 2022-09-25 02:11:23

    be brave

    who am I? I believe that many people have asked themselves this question, but not everyone has found the answer, or has found the answer vaguely and dare not face themselves. In society, we place too much importance on the social coat on our body, and we see things from the perspective of society...

  • Destin 2022-09-21 02:35:39

    That's What I Am, I Don't Care What You Think Of Me

    [About Cruelty] The beginning of the film is a subtitle: It has been said that children are curel. One sentence reveals a truth that everyone knows but no one wants to admit. Children are cruel, cruel out of ignorance. This is reflected most completely in Jason. In the film, jason slapped a little...

  • Joey 2022-09-17 23:38:13

    Forgiveness is not forgiveness

    Compared with ordinary inspirational films, there are more things to be excavated. In addition to talking about the cruel disputes of children, there are also choices in growing up and subconscious discrimination in reality that we ignore. Because people tend to treat their own personnel...

  • Franz 2022-09-17 20:49:04

    life with dignity

    If you watch pirate radio, it's a messy life, and it's really cool and interesting. This movie is about real people's lives, and it's actually quite boring. However, the times we live in have lessons for us. At that time, in the eyes of the public, homosexuality was still a monster, just like...

  • Carmel 2022-09-17 14:45:57

    Be what you wanna be.

    When I saw the title of the film written in my classmate's mood, I looked for it and read it, not bad. Always love movies based on real events.    At first, it was unclear who was the first male lead, Stanely or Andy? Later, I let it go. It was the growth history of a group of teenagers and the...