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That Sugar Film Reviews

  • Amir 2022-12-13 22:21:40

    The sweetest chronic killer is around us, and sugar is more harmful than we thought

    Disclaimer: This article was first published from the WeChat public account "Discover Four Dimensions" and has been authorized.After watching this documentary, I was very touched! Therefore, I feel it is necessary to share with everyone, for the health of more people-although many people know that...

  • Clinton 2022-12-11 07:11:51

    Knowledge point notes

    An average Australian consumes 40 teaspoons of sugar per day from regular “healthy” things like cereal, low fat yogurt, sweetened iced tea, baked beans

    Food breaks down to glucose Glucose as our body fuel, that includes breads, pasta, veggies, grains all turn to glucose used by our brain, organ,...

  • Marilie 2022-12-08 11:30:00

    a movie about sugar

    The director did an experiment with himself. He ingested 40 tablespoons (160g) of sugar (refined sugar) every day for 60 days. In two months, his waistline increased by 10 cm, and his weight increased by more than ten kilograms. The calories he took in were not much different from what he...

  • London 2022-12-03 16:09:00

    The logical loophole of capitalism

    The underlying logic of capitalism is actually to let capital compete to bring the best and cheapest products to the market to obtain higher returns, and then to continuously encourage capital to be invested in places where society needs it most.

    But until now, I feel that this underlying logic is a...

  • Nathan 2022-11-27 11:33:19

    diet blacklist

    The opponents are not only themselves, but also food companies that invest heavily in R&D and publicity, and scientists funded by capitalists. Many views and concepts of consumers come from the propaganda of video advertisements. But the real popular science seems to be alarmist for the sake of...

  • Berneice 2022-11-27 09:29:06

    less sugar

    The sweetest chronic killer is all around us, and sugar is more harmful than we think. Everyone is familiar with sugar, let us understand: Humans have known to ingest sweet foods from fresh fruits, honey and plants. Later, it was developed to make caramel from sugar cans in cereals , and then...

  • Jadon 2022-11-25 11:17:28

    you are what you eat

    From conception to logic and editing, it is a wonderful film!

    Look and reflect on your relationship with food and your body. The meaning is only the idea of ​​changing the eating habits. It is too difficult to practice it. I always think that I am an eating disorder. In fact, the food I eat has a...

  • Matilde 2022-11-10 02:33:59


    Before I saw it, I didn't expect it at all,? It's like this! I don't know why I don't like to eat sweets. I think it is largely because of the poor conditions at home when I was young. Every time I have money, I can buy a little sugar and be happy for a long time. Every time I don’t want to finish...

  • Bulah 2022-11-10 00:35:49

    So we are so fat

    [Overall experience] The most intuitive experience: Don't dare to eat sugar indiscriminately, and look at the sugar content before eating. The biggest feature of the full text is popular science. Fructose is the culprit that causes us to be non-obese and unhealthy. Tell us in a very intuitive way...

  • Alexys 2022-11-09 19:46:58

    I seem to have found the root cause of binge eating

    Repeated binge eating, the current period of quitting violence has only lasted for two weeks, and then it collapsed. I never liked high-sweet and high-fat carbohydrates such as cakes before, but later I found that it would not work without them. I have always felt that I am now stupid, dull, and...