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That Sugar Film Reviews

  • Beth 2022-12-29 12:43:10

    sugar trap

    Sugar is a legal drug. Its harm and addictive properties are no less than that of heroin. However, the dangers of sugar and popular science are not well known to the public. Refined sugar? It's legally added to almost all processed foods, and it's on almost 80 percent of everything on supermarket...

  • Rasheed 2022-12-26 19:26:04

    it's not about calories

    the movie documented the director trying to eat 40 teaspoons of sugar each day with seemingly "healthy foods." In addition to showing the dramatic changes to the person's body, the movie informs the audience of certaini knowledge about sugar. I really like the way of presentation with some humor...

  • Darren 2022-12-25 05:06:47

    The same candy man in the world - a little thought about "shut your mouth and open your legs"

    I admire the director's courage to add sugar spoon by spoon. After the experiment, the waist circumference increased by 10cm, the body fat increased by 7% (concentrated on the visceral fat in the abdomen), and the weight increased by 8.5kg. In just two months, I changed myself from the healthiest...

  • Laverne 2022-12-23 18:10:30

    While quitting sugar

    I really like watching this kind of health-related documentaries! Since wrestling last month, I have begun to pay great attention to my health.

    I have long known the importance of quitting sugar. I quit sugar because of acne. Now watching this documentary makes me even more aware of the harm of...

  • Carmella 2022-12-23 10:15:40

    A movie about sugar

    I finished watching the movie "A Movie About Sugar" a few days ago,

    The impact is more profound: the creator began to take 40 spoons of sugar a day for 60 days, which is a challenge of 160 grams. The source of these sugars is not junk food, but what everyone thinks is normal.

    Nutritious food, such as...

  • Cindy 2022-12-20 22:11:57

    'bout Sugar

    calories = good fats avocado nuts + protein egg meat (fish chicken) + carbohydrates vegetables (mushroom carrots);

    The liver enzyme enzyme alanine aminotransferase ALT can eliminate side effects, poor liver function will cause pimples, (excess fruit acid will lead to) triglyceride (fat in the blood)...

  • Jerrold 2022-12-19 00:15:22

    "A Movie About Sugar" Notes

    When the willpower is not strong enough, come back and watch the movie again.

    Calorie maintenance, 60 days of consuming 40 teaspoons of sugar a day, and then 60 days of sugar-free physical experiment: 1. "Healthy foods" with high sugar content: instant cereals for breakfast, supermarket-flavored...

  • Jason 2022-12-16 14:14:27

    sweet killer

    In recent months, I have become addicted to sweets, and even chocolate, which I did not like, has become irresistible.

    I always use the cravings in my stomach as an excuse to keep ingesting happy sugars. Although they make me feel uncomfortable, they are only normal pregnancy reactions.

    It happened...

  • Kacie 2022-12-15 15:15:29

    Processed sugar is everywhere -_-||

    An interesting popular science film about healthy eating, telling about the harm caused by eating too much processed sugar ~ obesity, fatty liver, damage to teeth, chronic diseases, etc. The male protagonist used himself as a case to experience the changes in physical indicators and mental changes...

  • Estefania 2022-12-13 22:25:39

    I want to quit sugar woohoo

    After reading, I want to quit sugar. The male experimenter does not eat any refined sugar. 20% of the food is sugar-free. "4 pounds is healthy, and most people eat 100 pounds." : Glucose, lactose, sucrose (half and half of sucrose and glucose added in tea and coffee) Fructose (honey, everywhere) is...