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Taxi Reviews

  • Verda 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    Feel the movie

    What impresses me most about this movie is the director, who was jailed for filming, but the Iranian director Jafar Panasi never put down the camera and stopped creating.

    The film begins with a yellow cab and its amateur driver on the road. The driver chatted with various passengers and recorded...

  • Hermann 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    The movie really figured it out

    This movie has been on my computer for a long time. The movie about the name of taxi, the first American, prestigious work, because of the age, I have never had the courage to watch it. The second one is from Song Kanghao of South Korea. I downloaded it together with this one, and I have already...

  • Lacy 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    not a movie but reality

    In our impression, Iran is a closed society, with various rules and regulations that shackle people's behavior. Such a society should be gray and lifeless. But the film "Taxi" presents the audience with a vivid picture of the market. We can feel all kinds of tangible and intangible restrictions...

  • Harrison 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    The perspective of a taxi penetrated by reality

    "I am a filmmaker, I do nothing but make films. Films are my language and the meaning of my life. There is nothing stopping me from making films. Because when I am pushed into the deepest corners, I am with Self-connected. In such a private place, despite the constraints, the need to create has...

  • Kaitlin 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    Those who say a dash cam makes a movie didn't watch it carefully, right?

    First of all, this is not a movie shot by a dash cam, it is just put in the car;

    Secondly, not one, at least three cars and a mobile phone plus a camera;

    In the end, the plot is very "coherent". The people in the car come one after another, and various characters from all walks of life take turns to...

  • Calista 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    Movies Can't Escape Politics

    I think watching movies is mainly about what the film director wants to express through the shots, lines and pictures and wants our audience to think. This "Taxi" is to make us think about the punishment methods that the whole society should take in the face of crime, or the changes that Iranian...

  • Jaylin 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    dirty reality

    Compared with Abbas' "Rhythm of Ten Lives", this film has many more shots from different perspectives, including rear seat shots, front windshield shots, etc., which also makes the film have a more obvious feature film imprint. Due to the increase in the number of shots, the scenes have also...

  • Ima 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    Brief Commentary: Prison. Hunger. Taxi

    Take off the tie, reject Iran, avoid reality, stay close to Islam, named the Prophet: "If that man wants to appear in the movies as decent, he has to be given a makeover"

    When words like "positive energy" appear in social culture, it means the death of realists, because it is impossible to...

  • Jeffery 2022-03-22 09:02:42

    Low Cost Essential Art Production - Iranian Film Director

    Recently, I watched a genre road movie and watched this "Taxi" at the same time. The camera is completely fixed in the taxi, without modification, without showing off the audio-visual, which truly and intuitively shows the current social status of Iran, and has a strong social awareness. It...

  • Carson 2022-03-21 09:03:03

    A film of Iranian realism

    None of these films will be broadcast in Iran. Robbers, bicycle accidents. cd, Rory is forced to pay. The little girl sent a short video, and also asked that men and women should not have inappropriate communication, that they should not use Iranian names for good people and use Islamic saints’...


Director: Jafar Panahi

Language: Persian Release date: April 15, 2015

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