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Takers Reviews

  • Arden 2022-01-03 08:01:45

    Bank Gang ~ Alternative Analysis

    This is a good movie~~ It's real, where is the real? Obviously it is not the story itself, the real is the portrayal of the social status quo and the survival of citizens. The directors want to tell us not just the scenes, but their thoughts. They want to arouse the reflection of the viewers and...

  • Kamron 2022-01-03 08:01:45

    Everyone has a story

    The bridge between the two bank grabs is still very new and worth seeing. But this is still a movie made for gay women. There are three reasons: 1. The criminals are all handsome men. Meetings and meetings are held in luxury hotels. Whenever there is nothing to do, they will pick up a cigar and...

  • Gust 2022-01-03 08:01:45

    Looks like I haven't written a film review yet, so let's break a spot

    The song at the beginning is pretty good, and I searched for Kram's The best Thing, which is completely unfamiliar. The ending song is actually Kasabian's Underdog, which is not bad.        At the beginning of the bank robbery, the robbers said something like "We will grab the money and don't hurt...