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Sweet Bean Reviews

  • General 2022-04-19 09:02:44


    Came for a food movie, but I really watched it and saw a light story. There is nothing to learn from the plot. Those lines of the protagonist felt very healing at first glance, and there was nothing that touched the heart when I read them carefully. The store manager was selling red bean paste, and...

  • Dewitt 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    Life is not easy but please face it positively

    I watched "The Smell of the Sand" by myself in the middle of the night, and I really cried with tears and snot. I've been in a very depressed mood recently, and I've been looking for a tragic movie to cry a lot and vent my emotions. I didn't expect to be stabbed to tears by this warm film. When I...

  • Salma 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    "The Smell of Sand" · Record

    Start: The pace is slow and every frame is beautiful.


    1. In the film, Ms. Dejiang taught the store manager to make red bean stuffing without abbreviating it at all. Just like the title of the film, she said it was Chengsha, so she carefully filmed the process, and it was...

  • Uriel 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    a beam of sunshine

    I have always been in a state of not understanding Japanese movies. I watched this taste of clear sand on the strong recommendation of my husband. Although the picture is still not my favorite style, the story itself really touches the depths of the soul. After watching it, I clicked on the IMDB of...

  • Pearlie 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    That's life

    What should be the pursuit of life? This is very confusing. Seeing Dejiang making red bean paste so carefully and meticulously, and imagining the origin and experience of beans, I suddenly realized that perhaps only after experiencing the status quo that is difficult to get rid of, can I experience...

  • Elta 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    If the heart is trapped, the world will be a cage; where the heart is at ease, where is the paradise on earth?

    The first reaction of Dorayaki was that the blue fat man liked it very much. After careful taste, I realized that the bean paste in the middle can also release the original power of red beans when it is sandwiched in time. Old Beijing also has a similar snack "sugar gourd". The amber-like syrup...

  • Murray 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    "The full moon said, I want you to see, so I'm shining"

    The film "The Taste of Chengsha", adapted from the Japanese novel of the same name by Tetsuya Akikawa, has a quiet picture accompanying the story, which brought me into deep thinking. In today's noisy life, perhaps, we all hope to hear such a quiet voice, telling us - "it's yourself". Through the...

  • Vicenta 2022-03-26 09:01:12


    A warm movie, a male protagonist who sells dorayaki but is full of sadness in life, an old man who is ill and still loves life and a girl as old as a flower, three people who have never known each other accompanied each other for some time. The last recording left by the old lady said that when she...

  • Leonor 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    hands in the sun

    Hands in the dazzling sun.

    The business in the store plummeted due to rumors, and in the dazzling sunlight, the granny's deformed and wrinkled hands repeatedly rubbed on her knees, with unease and guilt.

    I have seen too many patients with arthritis, and they will end up like this old grandmother,...

  • Pierce 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    The taste of clear sand

    Sakura, sunshine, greenery, birdsong, and red bean paste dorayaki. At first, I thought this movie was about the store manager's practice of inheriting red bean paste. Later, I realized that this film focuses on the special group of Japanese leprosy. The terrifyingness of the disease and the fact...