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Super Size Me Reviews

  • Kamryn 2022-03-22 09:01:53

    It once again reflects the extremely chaotic thinking mode of American logic.

    "This is an interesting documentary. Regarding the relationship between McDonald's fast food and American health problems such as obesity, Morgan planned a 'trying by himself' experimental plan: in a month, he did not go to McDonald's to order food, he did not Eat something else. After three meals...

  • Josefa 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Kid, king, liar

    The director and leading actor Morgan Spurlock did one thing in this film, that is, to magnify a fact that we know very well, but intentionally or unintentionally ignore it, magnify it and place it in front of us clearly. The reasons and conditions for comforting myself were all eliminated...

  • Kiley 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Mainly want to talk about another piece.

    I’ve seen another piece before: a foreign food show host also found that the school provided students with a lot of unhealthy food, so he went to the school cafeteria to propose more healthy food for the children. However, the staff in the cafeteria said that if they have few staff and do...

  • Jaiden 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Healthy Lifestyle

    It can be said that it was the first documentary I watched? It's a sample worth learning, quotations, animations, interviews, narrations blablabla~ Isn’t it difficult to learn to shoot, I’m about to start~ The Laptop broadcasts J’s Make Me Wanna Die, and I just watched two of them today~...n

  • Bailee 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Can't write a short review

    McDonald's is the epitome of globalization, but the harm it brings is a bit more obvious than some other areas, and that is health. The world knows that the iconic super size in the United States is actually not only in McDonald’s, but also in large supermarkets such as Costa. It can only be said...

  • Manuel 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Eat healthy, stay away from spicy chicken food

    • The interviewee who was shocked by the video for gastric reduction surgery could drink 2 gallons (approximately 7.6 liters) of beverages a day / my goal of drinking 2 liters of water a day was difficult to achieve

    •Half gallon (about 1.9 liters) steam water contains about 48 spoons of sugar

    • The...

  • Raymundo 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Another voice

    Someone will definitely say that Morgan's approach is too extreme, there is no scientific evidence to back up, just a unilateral pile of pictures and testimony, and so on. But after all, he stood up at the expense of his own health (everyone knows that rapid weight gain and rapid weight...

  • Fern 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    Random comments

    Although the diet of M Kee and K Kee is unhealthy, it tastes good if you eat it once in a while. If I were a capitalist, I would also strongly recommend my products, as long as it does not violate the law. Ordinary celebrities, if they want to stay healthy, they need to make some...

  • Shana 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    You are what you eat

    Obviously an ambitious work. The ambition referred to here is not the golden XX award, but the distinctive feature of the film’s “entry into the WTO”-not for the record; just as Fahrenheit 9/11 is trying to change the political landscape of the United States, "Supersize Me" is Sharpening a...

  • Allan 2021-12-14 08:01:06

    "The Mystery of Not Slimming": Eat less, taste more and eat more bad belly

    "Super Size Me" (Super Size Me) is a controversial documentary in recent years. Producer Morgan Spurlock launched a 30-day experiment in which he ate fast food three meals a day. As we all know, fast food is also called "junk food." Morgan’s experiment is definitely a negative teaching...