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Super 8 Reviews

  • Paris 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    Stupid humans, pets have already run away~

    In 2011, the science fiction suspense thriller children’s film " Super 8| Super 8 "

  • Daron 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    Retro Sci-Fi Movie

    It is a retro-style science fiction film. I believe that people who like this movie are people with a certain amount of experience in watching movies. Now that the age group is too young, they may not like this film very much. After all, there are many generation gaps that cannot be solved. The...

  • Dagmar 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    A bunch of desperate kids

    The train was flying all over the sky with a violent explosion. This is a thrilling special effects scene brought to the audience by director JJ Abrams shortly after the beginning of the film, and a group of secretly gathered here to shoot their own movies None of the children in this explosion...

  • Jackie 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    I just want to say~~joe is so handsome~~

    The old story is the underage version of the hero saving the beauty. It starts from the Haze family drama, interspersed with science fiction suspense and family affection, and finally reaches the perfect ending of the unity of human relationship monsters. The children's respective personalities are...

  • Clay 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    Potential for misalignment

    At first, I was looking forward to this film for the trailer. Tradition, science fiction, horror, suspense, conspiracy, black, nostalgia, childhood. ——These displayed elements experience various fusions in the minds of different audiences, and there is only one result: good-looking. So as a member...

  • Watson 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    Love Spielberg! ! ! !

    At first glance, it is Spielberg’s movies. The sense of lens is super strong. It seems that every lens can be used as the cover of the movie. It is worthy of a masterpiece. Some classic things always appear in Berg’s movies. Beautiful childhood, Movies, aliens, etc. . . . Too much is Berg's...

  • Alvera 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    It's messy! Educational film? sci-fi movie? War Movies? comedy?

    Three stars were given. To be honest, this film is really bad, the important thing is! The important thing is that I didn't get the idea at all at first! Educational film? There is also a line saying that smoking marijuana is really a bad thing. But the scenes are always so bloody + violent,...

  • Geraldine 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    super 8: The youth story of American teenagers

    First, let's take a look at the movie name "super 8". This name refers to a super 8mm camera. And this super 8mm camera is the most beloved thing for a few teenagers in the movie, they have their own movie dreams. Teenagers have no money, no professional equipment, no professional actors, no...