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Super 8 Reviews

  • Elmira 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    Have you saved your childhood?

    I really like this nostalgic style of the 70s and 80s. The "Stranger Things" I just watched last month is like this, and so is "Super Eight". I like both of them very much! I really don’t understand why there is such a big contrast between Super Eight and Stranger Things in word-of-mouth. "Stranger...

  • Vince 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    The youth of the masters

    It’s really exciting to see this movie or IMAX on the screen. There are many reasons to like this movie: science fiction, zombies, aliens, monsters, etc., but in fact the most favorite is Charles, who loves making movies. , Joe, who can make models and special effects makeup, and his friends who...

  • Keagan 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    The sense of suspense is remarkable

    Far from being as eye-catching as the predecessor, "Apocalypse", not enough stimulation and compactness. The special effects of the first half, especially the train accident, were quite exciting, but the second half turned out to be strangely ugly, with clues escaping and scattered, and a bit out...

  • Kayden 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Super 8

    Great acting by the kids, especially Elle Fanning and Joel Courtney. Although this is a science-fiction movie, it is not overrun by meticulous, complicated science nor big explosions and scary monsters. Rather, the gist of the storyline originates from the characters and families of a small town in...

  • Adella 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    August 16th "Super 8"

    Watching childlike movies, I always feel cordial, and today I have a sense of nostalgia. Look at this disturbing world through the most innocent childishness, and miss the former "Alien ET" through a form of sci-fi film. Everything has to return to its origin, and the children have to go home....

  • Lilliana 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    The slots are full...

    Actually, I first saw the film's actor Joel Courtney and several shots of Super 8 appear in the new generation of niches in the tenth screening room. Then I heard Spielberg and thought this film was possible. The cheating index dropped drastically. In the end, you look too cute, the male lead, and...

  • Hellen 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    This is the childhood I long for-"Super 8"

    The schedule of "Super 8" is strange.     There were a lot of blockbuster films in the summer of 2011. If you put a science fiction thriller movie on the theme of father-son family relationship and children's friendship at this time, what do you say you are going to do? Didn't you deliberately want...

  • Devante 2022-03-14 14:12:22

    Eight millimeters of director's dream

    When I didn’t watch the ending staff, I really thought it was Spielberg’s re-engineering a similar movie out of nostalgia for "ET". No matter the age, the protagonist, the aliens, the storyline, they all resemble " "ET", when I saw that the director was JJ Abrams, I suddenly realized that this...

  • Leopold 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    Every man has a childhood of sci-fi adventure

    If it is considered a science fiction film, then this film is also worth 2 points, which is at the same level as "The Clover Archives" and "Monsters", and it is not shocking at all. But if it’s a children’s movie, it’s at least 4 points. Every man has a childhood full of science fiction and...

  • Nakia 2022-01-25 08:05:14

    [2011]Super 8

    Hardly heard of this film before. Director JJ Abrams is a newcomer who switched from a TV screenwriter. The famous "Lost" came from him. In addition, Spielberg's supervisor should be considered a quality assurance. The opening paragraph made meticulous attention to life in small towns in the United...