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Super 8 Reviews

  • Bernhard 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    JJ - a different Spielberg

    Spielberg found his next self, JJ.    JJ. Abrams - the director and screenwriter of this film, those who are familiar with American dramas must have seen "Lost". He spent 3 years integrating science fiction, suspense and human struggle to make Lost a 6-season TV series. set. Although the ending was...

  • Clay 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    From "Super 8" to associate what is a pure movie

         Judging from the previously exposed trailers and clips, as well as the two big attractive names on the poster, "Steven Spielberg" and "J.J. Abrams", the early stage of the film Propaganda can easily mislead our group of pure fans into the direction of "sci-fi blockbusters", but in fact, Shenma...

  • Leif 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    movie too hard

    The script of the movie is relatively poor, that is, it is reluctant to accept, after all, it is not easy to make a child resonate with such a big alien, plus the whole movie is basically spent in the killing of aliens. The film also wants to intersperse the father's love, the children's hazy love,...

  • Kylie 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    It's not just me who thinks kids look better.

    First of all, as the name of the great director Spi, this film is still worth watching no matter how bad it is. After all, this film can satisfy homemade movie lovers, alien lovers, sci-fi lovers, family ethics lovers, There are also paedophile demands. The idea of ​​this film is very good. A group...

  • Dayne 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    Childhood and Forgiveness in Super 8

    The first time I knew "Super 8" was in the iTunes movie trailer. I didn't watch the trailer, but I saw that the producer had Spielberg, so I wrote down this film. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the classification of the film, but it seemed to be sci-fi and suspense. But it's fun to...

  • Jakayla 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    A beautiful teenage dream conveyed by the Super8 camera

    Similar to the 1980s movie Seven Treasures and Wonderful Dreams. Your mother's Chinese education, others have developed their own interests and made movies in their spare time when they were twelve or three years old, and we can only stay numb in the classroom and accept the institutionalized...

  • Hailee 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    It doesn't hurt to see

    A blank case was dragged into the cinema. At first I thought it was a horror movie, then I thought it was a disaster movie, and finally realized it was a sci-fi movie. Unfortunately, none of the three movies were to my liking. The little girl is called Alice, and the character enters really fast....h

  • Wilfred 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    feel pretty good...

    I didn't expect much when I went to the cinema to see this movie. Because it was just chosen randomly, in terms of the main plot, it is a bit baffling. But, in fact, thinking about it, it seems quite natural. Although the key words of this film are children and aliens, there is actually no...

  • Mervin 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    It has a face that pays homage to Spielberg

    Rather than a homage to Spielberg's work, it's more of a children's version of "the mist" (I give it 4 stars). ———————————————————————————————— More than half of the time is creating suspense for the appearance of the monster, whet the audience's appetite! Explosion, conspiracy, military, secret,...

  • Raphaelle 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    wild child fantasy world

    Oh Pa and I both love Cloverfield. It is rare for the two of us to have a common favorite movie, and we found resonance in this fake DV disaster movie that was reviled by the world. This film made our eyes shine, not because the whole scene was shaking like crazy. Oh Ba and I don't like extreme...