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Summer with Monika Reviews

  • Rubye 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Bergman’s different Monica, abandoned the look and followed the narrative

    Bergman’s energetic work is not full of religious metaphors and references to life philosophies like "The Seventh Seal," "Wild Strawberry," or "The Virgin Spring," The distance between the two and the narrative structure are not that complicated, and the straightforward narrative is difficult to...

  • Herminio 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    The cultural power of film

    The film tells a Western-style liberal romantic love story. From falling in love, getting married, and getting divorced, it embodies the charm of personality freedom. However, in terms of narration, it is mixed with Eastern implicitness, giving the film a poetic aesthetic, and creating an artistic...

  • Christy 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Bergman Movie Notes: Monica

    1 . In the past, Zhou people said: Real girls, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood. Like Monica and his like, although they dare not take this name arbitrarily, the generosity of their thousands of people is also enough to attract people's eyes. Then they watched his words...

  • Destin 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Lucky is an experience that you don’t know

    Why are so many viewers always struggling with Monica's good and bad issues? The title is obviously summer with monika (summer with monika)

    In addition, Monica's performance after marriage is more suitable for girls from this family. Harry has been expecting a stable new family to fight for because...

  • Lonzo 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Courage and Helplessness-"Monica"

    Before watching "Monica", I took out the long dusted "Four Hundred Blows" and put it in the DVD player. This is a CD released by FOXLORBER to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the release of "400 Blows". Fast forward all the way, and finally found the legendary passage: Antoine and his little...

  • Piper 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Young people should buy a green one

    Bergman's early films were in his thirties when they were filmed. The time is relatively linear, including some plots and music that are quite straightforward. For example, they sailed back to the city after wandering, the depiction of the city is very depressing, and the music is low and tense....

  • Jamar 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Love dies on the way back

    This is the first time I have watched Bergman's film, and he himself is known for his high productivity, so it is difficult to talk about Bergman's image style as a whole, and I can only say a few words around this film. This film tells an ordinary and atypical love tragedy. The story itself has...

  • Cory 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    Notes (Restored Version of the Northern Film Festival)

    "Bad Girl Monica" has an interview with Bergman sitting in the cinema in his later years recalling the film in the beginning of the restored version of "Bad Girl". He talked about how much pressure he had to make this film and suffered a lot after it was released. Swearing; he saw Harriet...

  • Darion 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    I'll die if I get addicted

      The beginning of the film is like the first half of the "Madman Pierrot". The 19-year-old Halle and the 17-year-old Monica meet and love each other. Then the two abandon their family and work, and leave the city in a small boat. The world wanders the coastline. They sing, dance, bask in the sun,...

  • Tamara 2022-01-18 08:01:21

    I'm the bad girl Monica

    Text | Tao Jia

    However, just a few years after Bergman’s "representative" work "Wild Strawberry", "Bad Girl Monica" can't find the feeling of sheer lateness at all, leaving behind the deep icy dreams and metaphors of death. Deconstructing the audiovisual language of the stream of consciousness and...