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Summer Hours Reviews

  • Muhammad 2022-04-21 09:03:21

    quiet elegance

    Different from the impetuousness of American movies, European movies can always make life a quiet and elegant. It is probably related to the long-standing cultural precipitation. The charming courtyard is like a secret garden, and the family tastes superb antiques, representing a family's affection...

  • Francisca 2022-04-21 09:03:21

    Art is not greater than human nature

    At the beginning, the film settled in this country house full of artistic colors and collections, bright green leaves and sunshine, and warm family gatherings. The family sat and talked for the elegant mother's 75th birthday. Although there are differences in discourse and understanding from time...

  • Harmony 2022-04-21 09:03:21

    old house new world

    The younger son said that we want to stay in Shanghai, and the daughter is going to study in San Francisco. The children have not had much contact with France. It suddenly dawned on me that this was not just a family story. The French mother is madly in love with her painter uncle. French moms...

  • Annamae 2022-04-21 09:03:21

    all things are born

    A long time ago, more than 10 years ago, I saw Maggie Cheung starring and directed by Assayas' "Blurry Tribulation"... At that time, they met because of that movie... Then they got married and then divorced. Watching [Summer Time] now is very surprising... Time will make the things that people pay...

  • Braden 2022-04-20 09:02:26

    True to the situation--my summer time

    The elegance of the older generation of French women seeps into the bone marrow, and it is the career of a lifetime that only comes to death. At the beginning of the movie, my mother sat alone by the bed with no lights on. After the sunset and before the night completely fell, it was also the time...

  • Eunice 2022-04-20 09:02:26

    Living in the moment

    In 2005, the Musée d'Orsay in France proposed a plan to invite four internationally renowned directors representing Asia, Europe, North America and South America to shoot a 30-minute film each, and then compose a feature-length feature film. Celebrating the museum's 20th anniversary. However, this...

  • Axel 2022-04-20 09:02:26

    miss summer

    When winter comes, I miss summer. Put on thick clothes, put on earmuffs and gloves, curl up and walk on the icy street, the cold wind blows, I wish I could wrap more clothes and shrink my body a little more. Everyone who passed by was like hiding in a space suit, separated by a distance beyond the...

  • Johanna 2022-04-20 09:02:26

    bleak business

    Memories that originally belonged to a family gradually fell apart with the death of mother Irina, the former residence was resold, old things were donated or sold. The three siblings are not ruthless. Although the eldest son lives in Paris, he is engaged in economic research that has nothing to do...

  • Winona 2022-04-20 09:02:26

    If, I still have summer time with you

    There is always an inexplicable affection for France, so I devoted myself to the study of French secondary school for four consecutive years during the university, so I love listening to French songs and watching French movies. It's not that I don't eat fireworks, I also love a lot of big French...

  • Easton 2022-04-20 09:02:26

    Chinese-style French society

    At first, when I heard the name, I thought it was part of a French film that enjoyed family warmth, but after watching it, I had to admit that this is not a story about China. Director Olivier Assayas looks at the current social problems in France, showing the general psychological state of France...

Summer Hours

Director: Olivier Assayas

Language: French,English Release date: June 5, 2009