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Street Trash Reviews

  • Jessie 2022-10-06 20:17:34

    My Watch Book: "Trash Street"

    Some people call it the American version of "The Mermaid in the Sewer". I tentatively watched it. What are the jokes, how can the special effects and makeup compare with the guinea pig series? Everyone can tell that the colorful paint is fake, okay? If you can compare it a bit, it is probably the...

  • Ernie 2022-10-06 19:56:28

    Garbage street made up of garbage

    Sex, violence, homicide, post-war syndrome, the underworld...all the things that should be there are, each one involves a little bit, and each one doesn't go deep. It feels like a big platter of rubbish. It makes you look boring, but it makes you unable to stop. There is also the unexpected...

  • Andres 2022-10-06 18:21:27

    Street Trash

    Quite interesting films, spoofs, eroticism, violence, and horror are all indispensable. The director has the intention to use the small world as a metaphor for the big world, but it is naive. Since horror is purely perceptual, friends with a weaker mental capacity should not watch this film before...

Street Trash

Director: J. Michael Muro

Language: English Release date: September 18, 1987

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