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Star Trek: Discovery Reviews

  • Ericka 2022-11-20 20:10:12

    The three Vulcans have their own characteristics

    There are three types of Vulcans in Star Trek, pure-blood Vulcans, Vulcans mixed with earthlings, and earthlings raised by Vulcans. The three kinds of people are completely different in personalities, although they are completely the same on the fundamentals of logic. Pureblood Vulcans follow...

  • Cullen 2022-11-20 10:13:57

    Why does Captain Luca value Mike so much?

    In the ninth episode of Star Trek Discovery, Taylor wanted Mike to go with him on the spaceship to the Death, and Mike also volunteered. Why did Luca refuse to be too dangerous? ? It's too dangerous. It's also a sacrifice for others to go, and the lives of others are also lives! Luca didn't simply...

  • Justice 2022-11-17 20:32:50

    Miss Tilly, I really like it!

    Miss Tilly, I really like it!

    The setting of Tilly's character is really lovable. Although he is not the protagonist, he is indeed better than the protagonist. Compared with Mike's words, it is really a sharp contrast, and he can always see and help friends at critical moments, whether it is Mike....

  • Lauriane 2022-11-17 13:38:46

    Captain Gabriel of the USS Discovery

    Captain Gabriel of the USS Discovery

    Seriously, I really like the character setting of Gabriel. Not only can I accept the rebels, but also because I think it is valuable, and I dare to innovate. In order to end the war as soon as possible, I research all kinds of weapons, and I don't even know where...

  • Halie 2022-11-17 10:18:36

    Klingons kill innocent people

    When the Discovery returned to the base, it found that the base was covered with a Klingon badge, and the 80,000 lives originally on the base no longer existed. The only thing you can see is the vital signs of the Klingons, which is too scary, isn't it? These people were killed by the Klingons! So...

  • Lonzo 2022-11-15 19:02:29

    A chase me escape game with monsters, Mike is awesome

    Wow, the third episode of Star Trek Discovery is so exciting, Mike and his party don't know what to do in the field (forgive me, I really don't understand much, but it doesn't affect my love to watch it, I should understand it after watching it a few times) Then came a place with monsters, and Mike...

  • Clarabelle 2022-11-12 20:49:37

    Arrogance results in death

    Arrogance results in death

    Lieutenant Colonel Landry, who was researching Captain Gabriel's monsters with Mike, claimed to be super strong in combat. He said that he was a good partner with Mike, super science plus super combat power. There is no problem. But Miss Lieutenant Colonel, why are you so...

  • Marilyne 2022-11-08 00:04:28

    I care too much about other people's eyes, and you don't care!

    I think Tilly, who is nervous and likes to talk, is very cute. Although she was too nervous to speak when she met her roommate Mike for the first time, when Tilly knew that her roommate was the rebel Mike, the expression on her face The smile froze, hahaha, so funny! But Tilly is a good boy, he...

  • Arne 2022-11-07 06:50:33


    humbling reminder that all life is born from chaos and destruction

    -when emotion brings us ghosts from the past,only logic can root us in the present

  • Reyna 2022-11-04 23:39:53

    Harry kidnaps Gabriel

    After Harry made the time ring, he wanted to take the spore engine and sell it to the Klingons. Gabriel received a red alert, and when he was about to go to the infirmary, he was kidnapped by Harry, forcing her to hand over the spore engine. Before Harry's business was over, the fourth time loop...

Star Trek: Discovery

Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi, Jonathan Frakes, Hanelle M. Culpepper, Akiva Goldsman, T.J. Scott, Adam Kane, Alex Kurtzman

Language: English,Klingon Release date: September 24, 2017