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Stachka Reviews

  • Oswaldo 2022-12-26 15:51:51

    some notes and thoughts

        In the 1920s and 1930s, sound films began to appear. Although they did not pose a great threat to silent films at first, due to the uncertainty of live performances, the development of recording technology made the synchronization of sound and pictures more accurate and cost-effective. , the...

  • Angel 2022-11-24 00:50:38

    Some background information on The Strike

    "Strike" is Eisenstein's debut novel, and he has conducted many experiments in montage. Even later, he filmed "Battleship Potemkin", which attracted worldwide attention. In the collection of essays, Ai found that the latter was much backward than "Strike". . Watching the comparison between the...

  • Sedrick 2022-11-22 14:41:07

    A little note and thoughts

    1. Filmed with state funding. Lenin mentioned the film as a medium that can best serve ideology. "Strike" was used as a "textbook" for socialist film shooting at that time, whether in form or political propaganda, but it is undeniable that it is indeed very good, and it has become a reference book...

  • Edgardo 2022-10-17 23:29:26

    Eisenstein's late film theory: Utopian viewing behavior and aesthetic collectiveness

    Press: When discussing labor relations and the aesthetic ideology of the proletariat from the perspective of video, we must not be able to bypass Eisenstein as a key starting point. As the founder of the montage technique, Eisenstein became one of the leaders of the Soviet avant-garde with his...

  • Lenna 2022-10-06 11:29:15

    The German-French Avant-Garde and the Soviet Montage School

                In the French avant-garde, more attention was paid to formal beauty.             On the other hand, the German avant-garde has become more and more beautiful in content, reflecting more of the social reality. Murnau, the leader of expressionism, "The Lowliest Man", etc. But in his, "The...

  • Trystan 2022-10-04 19:53:17


    Eisenstein's film collective The Iron Five was founded in 1923. Its members are: G.V. Alexandro (GVAlexandrov), M.M. Strauch (MMShtraukh), A.I. Levishin (AILevshin), M.I. Gmorov ( MIGomorov), A·A·Antonov (AAAntonov). In his first theoretical work, Eisenstein suggested using montages to connect...

  • Raquel 2022-09-29 06:58:44

    Strike is the right of the workers

    This is a black and white silent Soviet film filmed in 1925. The main content of the film is a series of actions launched by a group of laborers to improve their common status for common rights.

    As Lenin said, a group of people with different hearts can't achieve anything even if they get...

  • Lowell 2022-09-11 02:45:55

    a juggling stage

        The plot of the film is very simple, and the theme reflected in it has long been abandoned by modern people. It is full of strong ideology. It begins with a passage of Lenin, which makes the proletariat unite and starts to act. The end is for the proletariat to keep in mind. Class hatred, the...

  • Dolores 2022-07-10 23:29:36

    some notes and thoughts

    Note 1. In 1922, Eisenstein published his first programmatic aesthetic manifesto, "The Sideshow Montage," in the magazine "Left-wing Art Front", which caused a long-term debate and had a profound impact on the development of the entire film art. Eisenstein turned to the film industry in 1924, and...

  • Kailyn 2022-07-10 22:52:25

    Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world? Mum, mum, mum!

    The insertion of the non-narrative footage of the slaughterhouse metaphorically conveys the author's understanding and understanding of the slaughter, which is a classic representative of rational montage and worth learning. At the same time, the presentation of the "underground kingdom" of the...


Director: Sergei M. Eisenstein

Language: None Release date: 1961

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