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Spotlight Reviews

  • Murray 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    This film really wasted a very good, good subject matter

    After watching it, it is not as good as many people say, the film is quite boring and even to a certain extent offensive, almost too much.     Although the facts revealed by the protagonists of this film are indeed shocking, and the courage and perseverance of the journalists in them are also...

  • Brennan 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    Easter eggs in a dream

    I watched the movie at noon last weekend, then took a nap, dreamed about the end-credits eggs, and I still remembered it vividly when I woke up. Some places are very suitable, and some places are illogical. It is the first time that I have had such an experience, so I will remember it. Scenario 1:...

  • Lyda 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    The truth under the nose

    "If it takes a town to raise a child, it takes a town to destroy one too. "                                                                                                                   - "Focus" This is a sentence in "Focus". The above sentence was chosen because it seems to describe the...

  • Forrest 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    Life is ruined

    Boston was at one time one of my favorite cities in America. At the end of 2015, just before Christmas Eve, my best friend from college and I traveled from New York to Boston in a greyhound traffic jam for seven hours. Boston was not cold at all that winter. Compared with the noisy and lively New...

  • Samson 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    don't keep silent

    When watching this movie, it is easy to think of the melting pot. The melting pot directly and bloodily exposes social reality from the perspective of the aggressor and the victimized, while the focus is from the perspective of the news media, listening to thunder in a silent place.

    When I see...

  • Ruthie 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    Hate the indifference of others, what about us?

    When watching this movie, I was wondering to whom the information sent by so many people was sent, and whether there were people at the top of the newspaper who were helping to reconcile this matter. In the end, when Robbie said it was himself, when he spoke, he asked "what about us"? At the...

  • George 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    A salute to journalistic idealism!

    It is said that people in the news media are "iron shoulders shouldering morality and writing brilliantly written articles", but now in this so-called new media era, more and more people will use so-called technical means to achieve the latter, but more and more people dare to do the former. The...

  • Chelsey 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    Focusing didn't defeat my faith, but for the first time I really understood what I was asking for

    From the beginning of the children singing Christmas Eve songs, they cover their faces and weep until the end of the film. I am a catholic. I don't know if I will go back to church. I don't know if this film will be released in China, I don't know if there is such a thing in the church in China,...

  • Brent 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    Why was it awarded the Oscar for Best Picture?

    The dust of the 88th Academy Awards has settled, and everyone is blessing Xiao Lizi. Seems like the Oscars are that award. Well, as a supporter of Leonardo, Xiaoyi is actually like this. In addition to being very happy, I chatted with my friends about the list of winners this year. It's no surprise...

  • Carmel 2022-04-21 09:01:09


    From the film's point of view, I don't know if it belongs to the best film, but if a film can give people unlimited thinking after watching it, then it is a good book. Spotlight, because of the name, feels like it describes a work attitude. The subject is really about the ideals of journalists. At...