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Spotlight Reviews

  • Sam 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Turns out I dreamed of being a journalist.

    The older I get, the more I understand where there is absolute good and evil in this world, and I don't like genre films like the victory of justice over evil. I always feel that polarization is so obvious, how can it be applied in life. However, the imagination still needs to be understood, and it...

  • Lukas 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    The story of a group of American Chai Jing

    Finally took the time to complete this year's Oscar best film "Focus", also known as "The News Story of a Group of American Chai Jing", the script is solid, the story line and rhythm foreshadowing is simply a model of extreme calm and restraint. It tells the story of a group of journalists who...

  • Alexis 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Journalists Carrying Social Justice

    The general public knows the status of the Oscars in the world film circle. Although the literal translation is only the American Academy Award, it is always understood as the representative of the highest level of world cinema. Its entertainment effect and economic value are even more difficult to...

  • Zackery 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    "Spotlight": The Film Rhythm of Boiled Frogs in Warm Water

    As the best picture at the 88th Oscars, "Focus" has neither cool special effects, ups and downs, nor unexpected reversals, but such a bland dish has won numerous awards and received many praises. What I like most about the film is its pacing. To talk about the film rhythm of "Focus", the...

  • Muhammad 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Preliminary Thoughts Caused by "Focus"

    Text / Ke Duo DarkLord, original comment After watching this year's Oscar's best movie "Focus", I feel very shocked! Unlike the general so-called "good-looking" movies, the dramatic conflict of "Focus" is not intense, and its plot is not even ups and downs. The appeal of this film comes from the...

  • Elfrieda 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Remember how you felt

    After watching it, my facial expression hasn't relaxed yet. After watching it, I even want to spread my feet and become a reporter . The three views are very positive, the protagonist has no strict meaning. People, other names fly out for the second and third time, and I still don't remember them,...b

  • Dewitt 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    suddenly a light gets on

    sometimes it's easy to forget that we spend of our time stumling around the dark. suddenly a light gets on and there's a fair share of blame to go around. People began to blame each other after Baron's remarks, Ben, who was not very optimistic before, began to ponder, and the newspapers that...

  • Jackson 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Focus your inner beam

    At this year's Oscars, "The Revenant" and "Spotlight" were the most popular for the Best Picture award, and "Spotlight" won in the end.   From a technical point of view, I am amazed by the wonderful cinematography and performances of The Revenant, and it is an enjoyment of virtuosity from start to...

  • Gaetano 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Traditional media at least protect the three views of mortals

    I won't say much about the movie itself. A sensational event reappears. I just watched it once, and I don't want to watch it a second time. After watching the movie, I feel that in that era, traditional media at least protected the beliefs and three views of mortals. It is difficult to expose many...

  • Joesph 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    This movie is the American dream

    The American Dream is when a group of Europeans came to the land of freedom and democracy, the founder of America, in order to get rid of Shen Ke's dead Europe; now a group of Americans resist the stubborn religious group for the sake of children, and return the beauty and happiness to the people...