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Sorry We Missed You Reviews

  • Natalie 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    The collapse of adults can only be hysterical roar

    The wonderful life is different in its own way, and the tragic life is mostly the same.

    The film "sorry we missed you", through the story of Ricky's family, shows us how difficult life is for people at the bottom. People have no formal jobs in middle age, and they are burdened with debts. In order...

  • Oswaldo 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    May you look up and see the light in the dark

    When it comes to the United Kingdom, it is estimated that many people will think of Oxford Street, where luxury goods are gathered, or the night scene on both sides of the Thames, the Queen's Buckingham Palace, or the British Museum. The director wants to tell you that none of these can represent...

  • Deron 2022-04-19 09:02:43


    Ricky, a blue-collar worker, switched to the courier industry and became a delivery worker in order to get more pay. To pay for the van, her wife Abby had to sell her car. They have a sensible daughter Liza and a rebellious teenage son Seb. The film presents many social problems with a simple...

  • Stephan 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    who missed whom? Whose fault is it?

    The father missed his son and did not appear in time when his son needed guidance and company. But why is this? Is it because the father doesn't want to accompany his son?

    The mother always misses her daughter. Before going out in the morning, she promises that she will go home to accompany her...

  • Hildegard 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    The world is wrong, not ours

    This movie may only partially reflect the status quo of the lower classes, and the real situation is only worse.

    I realized that I couldn't understand and appreciate their suffering without a real sense of empathy. Everyone has their own predicament, and what you think of as helping is just your...

  • Lucinda 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    sorry we missed you

    The story takes place in Newcastle in the north of England. Because of the subprime mortgage crisis, Ricky not only lost his job, but also took on huge debts. In order to make a living, Ricky took out a loan to buy a small truck, and planned to start the second spring of his career by delivering...

  • Ike 2022-03-24 09:03:19

    It's hard to live

    Borrowing to buy a car for a better life

    The work is in the name of the partner, and at least no money will be deducted in the employment relationship, but the partner will also pay a fine for absenteeism in the work

    Had to work every day, even if the goods were robbed, injured, even if the son...

  • Braulio 2022-03-24 09:03:19

    It's hard to live

    Borrowing to buy a car for a better life

    The work is in the name of the partner, and at least no money will be deducted in the employment relationship, but the partner will also pay a fine for absenteeism in the work

    Had to work every day, even if the goods were robbed, injured, even if the son...

  • Lyda 2022-03-24 09:03:19

    It's hard to live

    Borrowing to buy a car for a better life

    The work is in the name of the partner, and at least no money will be deducted in the employment relationship, but the partner will also pay a fine for absenteeism in the work

    Had to work every day, even if the goods were robbed, injured, even if the son...

  • Sigmund 2022-03-24 09:03:19

    Letter without destination

    A family of four, self-financed couriers, caregivers running around for all kinds of orphans, widows and disabilities, sons of street spray artists who pass on vulnerable groups, and daughters of all kinds of beauty. The father runs from one home to another just to find a shelter for himself and...