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Somewhere Reviews

  • Adam 2022-04-20 09:02:10


    This movie reminds me of watching a classic movie with my dorm friends during college! In my impression, from the very beginning, the two protagonists sat in the car and chatted easily while driving; the content of the chat was also about life trivia! Accompanied by the beautiful soundtrack, I...

  • Britney 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Breathtaking sense of direction

    Like "Lost in Translation", the male lead somewhere is still a Hollywood star, and he's also a bit old-fashioned, just a little younger. Not on a business trip to Japan, just hanging out at the Chateau Marmont Hotel on Sunset Boulevard, where a lot of stories have happened and a lot is happening....

  • Jamaal 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    pink light

    For some reason, I always feel that Sofia Coppola's movie screen is glowing with a pink sheen.  It may be due to personal psychology, from "Virgin Suicide" to "Marie Antoinette" to the new work "Somewhere", it seems to be shrouded in a faint pink halo. It's not a warm, sweet and soft pink, but a...

  • Ryleigh 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    long shoot

    Long shots, long shots, silent long shots, only trivial things like the sound of the lawnmower every morning, the melancholy sound of running water in the shower fill this silence. The length of the shot is suffocating, and it turns into the feelings of the protagonist. Is it kind of boring? Is it...

  • Maribel 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Although soft, it is as real as breathing!

    The rhythm is soothing and smooth, but it contains tension and makes people daydream. Fathers and children can also get along in such a real and natural way, and growth is not just a topic for children. We don't need to deliberately pursue dramatic stories, or repeatedly shout our ideas to the...

  • Mylene 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Finding direction in confusion

    The beginning of the film is a two-minute long shot of the sports car constantly circling in the desert, which already implies that the tone of the film is full of confusion and emptiness. Indeed, the first half of the film describes the rotten and boring life of the male protagonist. Until his...

  • Bertha 2022-04-19 09:02:32


    It took me three hours after get off work to finish watching this "boring movie". I felt a little bored after watching it on the first day. As most film critics said, my heart gradually became dull after watching it on the second day. When I finished watching the last half hour for the third time,...

  • Pasquale 2022-04-19 09:02:32

    The "Little Family Crisis" that has already come -- a feeling from watching "Somewhere"

    Movies are always the product of co-creation by creators and viewers. In the same movie, what can be seen from it is always a matter of what the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. So my opinion only represents my personal opinion. Nearly 60 years ago, the Japanese director Ozu...

  • Ofelia 2022-04-19 09:02:32

    love like sunset

    Sofia Coppola is one of the few female directors who doesn't chirp in love. She focuses on the loneliness and loss that cannot be solved by love, the lonely souls under the flashy exterior.  Her new film, "Lost Somewhere," which won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival last year, isn't as...

  • Idell 2022-04-19 09:02:32

    This is Coppola

    It's been 2 months and I still remember the feeling of this movie. My friends who went to the movie with me didn't like the movie at all. As he walked out of the cinema, he said, I just wasted 2 hours of my life watching a documentary about the boring life of this decadent star. I laughed,...