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Something's Gotta Give Reviews

  • Leanna 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    love is inescapable

    When I watched the movie, I felt that such a story can only happen in the United States. If it were in China, it would be an absolute tragedy. From the beginning of the movie, the mother saw her daughter and her boyfriend in her 60s vacationing at the villa, and it was not so noisy. Then the two of...

  • Grace 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    Love is a compromise: gold nine silver ten, do you marry or dance?

    I was apprehensive that day before setting up a blind date with a good buddy.

    I'm not sure, I'm going to hurt that girl? Still a fate.

  • Trycia 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    The Chinese side's knowledge base

    Love this thing, in fact, very unreasonable. In the eyes of outsiders, a pair that is a perfect match may not call at all. When true love arrives, age, height, and even gender no longer matter.

    This story may seem absurd, but it is very traditional at heart. The love between the male and...

  • Katelin 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    A film tells all the love, extremely healing!

    It’s been a long time since there was a movie that made you laugh and cry from the heart. I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie, of course, if you haven’t seen it yet [happy]

    I watched it many, many years ago. In fact, when I saw it in the dazzling movie menu on the plane today, although I...

  • Dion 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    What is true love? I actually still don't understand

    Something's gotta give

    The Chinese title of the film translates into "Love is a compromise", which is really just right.

    At the beginning of the film, there is a "chat". A successful old man has the principle of not dating women over 30 years old, but he was extremely embarrassed by his girlfriend's...

  • Pedro 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    It turns out that love really has nothing to do with age

    Watching this film always makes people laugh and sigh. Two people are in their own rooms, chatting with apple notebooks, and the messages that appear can make each other smile and shake their heads, and make each other scratch their heads. When love comes, they, even after so much experience, will...