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Something in the Air Reviews

  • Letha 2022-12-22 04:07:10

    English title Something In the Air source

    There is this passage in the communist manifesto: All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air , all that is holy is profaned, and...

  • Godfrey 2022-12-20 05:23:42

    More music, less script

    The first movie of the new year:

    After May (Something in the Air), a post-adolescent film. Excellent photography and scene scheduling, the paintings in the movie are very touching. Amazing 70's music, quickly grabbed the movie soundtrack and listened to it. It can be seen that the director has a...

  • Josue 2022-11-23 11:54:00

    Leftist youth who grew up drinking Coke

    The director restored the life picture of a group of young people after the peak of the revolution. They have no scruples in their blood, pursue their dreams, and most of them self-destruct their futures. But the film is not a sad tone, everyone has their own views on their own life, and youth...

  • Santino 2022-10-10 04:01:56

    Remembering "May Storm"

    After watching: Watching "Storm in May" reminded me of the May torrent that swept across France in 1968; I also remembered "Dream of Paris" directed by Bertolucci with the same historical background as a clue; I remembered the great influence of chairmen Mao and the Chinese Cultural Revolution on...

  • Anthony 2022-09-23 17:16:23

    Revolution or moan? A storm in everyone's heart

    He once read the "Communist Manifesto", once debated the future of capital society, once explored the connection between aesthetic form and ideology, once fascinated by the so-called new language of revolution; once lost in the nothingness of anarchism, and once indulged in Between cannabis and...

  • Wallace 2022-09-17 11:13:22

    To the frivolous years that will eventually part ways

    After watching "After May", my first impression was that I remembered Bertolucci's "Dream of Paris", which also talked about the cruel youth experienced by literary and artistic youth in the torrent of May in France. French, especially as a film critic of Cahiers du Cinéma, an elite magazine that...

  • Gaetano 2022-09-11 22:02:40


    After watching the movie, I was thinking about this question: in another ten years, can "After May" be promoted to a compulsory film for young literary and artistic youths like "Dream of Paris"... Youth films have always been amazingly damaging Force, sometimes, the audience doesn't even care what...

  • Junius 2022-09-09 21:30:09

    Why be sentimental

    I don't feel sad, and the ideal has not completely collapsed, but the distance between it and reality cannot be filled through a revolution. Any movement, even if it only achieves a small step of social improvement, is enough. Precious results.        As for teenagers, they will eventually grow up,...

  • Kassandra 2022-06-17 23:11:33

    rose revolution

    When director Assayas was 13 years old in 1968, he should be regarded as a character like the younger brothers of revolutionaries. He is more likely to watch the seniors and seniors waving posters, flyers, parades, and graffiti without really participating in it. In that year, Paris was rich in...

  • Josue 2022-06-17 22:26:38

    not related to the movie

    Watching Twilight the second time after looking for a refreshing change of appetite from a French film screenings halfway into the hall after the movie feel old now living conditions as if the end of the film when the young man. Wind whistling outside the window, Saturday at two in my riding a...